JW – Given how delayed it’s been (relative to our expectations) we asked the governing board when we should make a formally-supported PTM pathway using ff14SB and maybe some additional infrastructure. CC is working on a new major effort and should know by late October whether his current FFs are on the right path, so at the Nov gov board meeting we’ll have a go/no-go vote on making a formal PTM simulation tool.
JM – Would rosemary use NAGL?
JW – Yes (or very likely), CC’s fitting experiments have started using NAGL as the charge method for the protein FF.
JM – Is it possible that Rosemary will just be the NAGL release?
JW – (I think I’m remembering this right) NAGL will be a technical detail, not corresponding to a FF release. It’ll just become a toolkit that provides AM1BCC charges
JM – Will we fit BCCs or do other charge optimization after the first-gen NAGL AM1BCC model?
JW – No, NAGL second gen will use RESP or something else really fancy.
JM – I found a FF (GROMOS) that directly trained charges to simulation.
JW – Not a bad idea, but we prefer to keep the charges physics based so we can debug when needed.