
Welcome to Meetings!

This is a space dedicated to meetings and all meeting notes should be stored in this space. Please archive any meeting notes that are no longer needed (or older than 2 years). Remove any unused fields in your template before publishing for clarity and readability.

Recurring meetings

If you are planning to set up a recurring meeting, please ask Confluence admin to create a meeting note template to match your needs and with your custom meeting tag for easier search (see for more details). All recurring meetings are listed in the sidebar menu.

Ad-hoc meetings

If you have a one-off meeting and you are not sure where to place your meeting notes, please nest it under the appropriate ad-hoc meeting page. If these meetings become more regular, create a new page for the new set of recurring meetings and move all relevant meeting notes to the new page.


All current meetings are shown in the shared OpenFF calendar displayed below. All meetings tagged with (Open) are open to everyone to join without announcements. To join other meetings, you will need an invite. Please get in touch with the meeting organizer if you wish to join the meeting.

How to run meetings

  • Person who initiates organization of the meeting/call will usually be the meeting owner.

  • Meeting notes should be nested under the relevant page in Confluence. Create a tag special for those meeting notes to enable better filtering X-meeting-notes, for example, qcfractal-meeting-notes. The default tag is meeting notes, but if we searched by tag, then all meeting notes on site will be displayed. See here for instructions on how to create a meeting note template for your recurring meetings.

  • Meeting agendas should be prepared in advance, preferably at least 24 h before the meeting. The agenda should contain items that require discussion and/or decision making during that meeting. Every team member can contribute to the agenda. If there is no clear agenda, the meeting should be cancelled to reduce time spent in unproductive meetings.

  • Every meeting should aim to result with clear actionable items and decisions based on the proposed agenda. The meeting owner should recap what are the next steps to be taken and who is in charge of it at the end of the meeting, and ensure these are clearly delineated in the resulting notes.

  • Occasionally, meetings may simply provide an update on progress in a particular area. Such meetings should be clearly announced as such (and should be recorded for later viewing for those who can’t attend) since the need for people to attend synchronously is lower

  • The recommended maximum length of a (regular) meeting is up to 45 min + 5-10 min recap at the end of the meeting, but it’s up to participants to determine the optimal length based on their needs. The owner will act as a moderator to ensure that all the agenda items are addressed appropriately and in a timely manner. 

  • The owner/moderator is responsible for ensuring that there is a designated notetaker for every meeting.

  • The meeting owner and/or note taker are responsible for coordinating the writing of a meeting summary and posting it online (preferably within 72 h from the meeting), if meeting notes are to be made publicly available.

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