@Josh Mitchell
@Jeffrey Wagner
JW – Did you register for annual workshop?
JM – I don’t think I want to attend, is that OK?
JW – I think that’ll be OK, let me confirm with lead team. And let me know if there are other conferences you’re interested in going to (though 0 is perfectly fine).
JW – I’ll send out invites shortly. Some new signups.
JM – Sounds good.
Debug camera/video issue?
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Everything seems to resolve if we stop recording.
Workshop prep/rehearsal
JW – Remember that it’ll be very valuable in this talk to say what WON’T work as input. Can be formats, macromolecule types, or anything
DockTarget interface - Is this something we risk needing to maintain?
Look into whether pdbqr to pdbqt is safe to do with MDA