2024-02-21 Thompson/Wagner Check-in meeting notes


  • @Matt Thompson

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





Bespokefit debugging

  • (Fixed some tests, many more left to do)

General updates

  • Conference attendance?

    • MT – Probably too late for CUP. Will keep thinking about SciPy. Would like to attend USRSE.

    • JW – Sounds good. I’m aiming to do a tutorial session at SciPy, would love to have you there.

  • Thanks for all the issue triage and user support - great to see pbuslaev still around.

  • JW – Spoke with ad board this morning (and gov board before that, and lead team before that) about bespokefit maintenance and user support cost. We’re likely going to restrict the scope of user support and the types of issues we’ll handle.

    • MT – Understood. Not sure I have had the same experience. I see some issues are people without the background to really be using something this complicated. But some have valid issues and we’re still not getting to those. I do see that bespokefit is really complex and really valuable.



Tutorial review

Project Plan: Common workflow conversion via Interchange

Action items
