2024-01-31 Mitchell/Wagner Check-in meeting notes

2024-01-31 Mitchell/Wagner Check-in meeting notes


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Josh Mitchell

Discussion topics





General updates

  • JW – Topology copying thing is currently my top priority

  • JW – OFFTK 0.15.0 and .1 have been released, main feature is new QCF compatibility.

  • JW – Bespokefit with QC 0.50 compatibility may take a bit longer, MT is leading this effort.



Workshop prep


JM –

  • Advanced RNA notebook far enough to encounter bugs

  • Protein prep basically works

    • JM – Should we add docking? Are there open source docking programs?

    • JW – Had a meeting with a partner yesterday, asked how they do protein prep. My notes say the following:

      • Partner representative currently uses schrodinger tools. Used to use ambertools for MD setup but that was finnicky. Packmol-memgen. In industry there will be protein prep solutions like CCG or something else. So we can expect systems to come fully prepped - with explicit Hs, no missing atoms, things aligned, ligand bond orders available. What’s tricky is building condensed phase system for longer simulations - adding water, membranes, ions, etc. So box construction is the hard part. Can do this in AmberTools and import from there but it’s bumpy. And partner representative can use sch systembuilder. Also no standard answer for how to equilibrate.

    • JW – Could be good to make this a survey of “here are the open source prep tools in our ecosystem, and here’s how you can make them into an openff-compatible workflow”

    • JM – I’ll see what I can do. I’d like for this to become a standard teaching tool that gets passed around in the community.

    • JW – So that means adding docking would be good, as a way of exploring the ecosystem.

  • Still experimenting on how exactly to do SMIRNOFF workshop. Trying to figure out how to run it without overwhelming folks.




Channel announcement

@here We’re pleased to announce the 2024 OpenFF Mini-Workshops! If you’d like to see what all the fuss is about, or you’d like the lowdown on what’s new in the OpenFF world, please join us for workshops on:

  • SMIRNOFF Force Fields and You

  • Protein Preparation in Jupyter

  • Things to make and do with OpenFF tools

Detailed times and abstracts are available at the link above.

Each workshop will be run twice: once in late February or early March for Pacific time zones, and again in April for Atlantic/European time zones. Recordings and materials will also be available afterwards.

Please register for the mini-workshops you’re interested in attending. Hope to see you there!

To dos

  1. (high) Have draft notebooks for all 3 workshops that at least run

  2. (high) Announce workshops on #general using @here

  3. (medium) Fix openff-docs CI/figure out what’s up with deployments

  4. (low) Propagate PDB-bond loading options into nglview

Action items



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