JM – The dates from last time (now on the calendar) look good to me.
JM – Thinking about whether to do BespokeFit in SMIRNOFF workshop. Would mess up pacing a focus a lot so I’m leaning away from it.
JW – I think it’d be really good to show it if at all possible.
To dos
(high) Have draft notebooks for all 3 workshops that at least run
(high) Create Zoom meetings, draft channel announcements, make landing pages for workshops (like this but on GitHub, explaining that Zoom links will be posted shortly before each meeting).
(medium) Fix openff-docs CI/figure out what’s up with deployments
(medium) Fix openff-docs env cache issue
(low) Reach out to science team for additional vignette ideas
(low) Propagate PDB-bond loading options into nglview