2024-07-08 Mitchell/Wagner Check-in meeting notes


  • @Josh Mitchell

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





General updates

  • JM –


  • JW –

    • Welcome back, please fill in your clockifys for June

    • BW folded in the QCSubmit 2d torsiondrive vignette into the result retrieval example

    • Re: PDB loading

      • PEastman is updating PDBFixer to load noncanonical amino acids using the CCD as a reference. Could be cool to include that in the current project if automatable https://github.com/openmm/pdbfixer/pull/295/files

        • JM – Cool, I’ll check this out.

        • JW – Awesome. If it gets hairy this isn’t a “must”, but it would be great to test this out and give PEastman feedback during the implementation phase

      • I’m refactoring our substructure library code to work for NAs, and be more straightforward.

      • Going from PDB → SDF using…

        • the MDAnalysis guesser is actually kinda good. Pretty quick and seems to get stuff right.

          • JM – Redundant with PDBFixer?

          • JW – We may need H assignment from PDBFixer.

          • JM – Kinda overlapping domains though. I’ll think about this.

        • import MDAnalysis as mda from rdkit.Chem import rdmolops u = mda.Universe('../../examples/toolkit_showcase/5tbm_prepared.pdb', guess_bonds=True) rdmol = u.atoms.convert_to('RDKit', force=True)
        • the RDKit guesser is bad, since it 1) requires total charge and 2) never finished for a 100AA protein





Action items
