| MT – CAdams had a PR to recharge that passed without OE and failed when OE. There’s a chance he’ll need an OE license to debug. JW – I’d be fine with giving him permissions to make a branch so he has access to the OE license in our CI config. MT – Good call, I’ll do that (or contact you if I can’t grant him permissions)
Tutorials - Mostly done (did OpenMM, gromacs, and lammps, not amber). Mostly failures, except some OpenMM ones. Not sure how high priority the features to enable support for these are. So I expect I’ll finish this up (via testing amber) either later this week or early next. Once that’s ready I’ll kick up to you to decide how to loop in stakeholders. JW – Great. In a perfect world it’d be neat to estimate how much work would be required for each one and offer a menu to project leadership. MT – That would be quite difficult to estimate. JW – Could also be useful to present “here’s low hanging fruit”, eg “we could have imported the files from this tutorial if we had this low/moderate effort feature” MT – I didn’t intend to make that sort of representation before about anything that I’d tested - I really have no good estimate for basically any of these. JW – Ok, it’ll be handy for folks to have a map of what’s possible/supported, and the likely next question they’ll ask is “how much would it cost to turn moreof this map green?” - So we’ll want to decide on whether the answer is “unknown everywhere” or “really hard in most places, and merely quite hard in others”
Tasks - The past few days I’ve been working on really difficult stuff without small/medium tasks to break things up. I’d like smaller things to do if you know of any. Also, I don’t know what the timeline/progress bar looks like on the NAGL release, but I see LW working on some smaller/more routine stuff. If there’s a possibility I could help there that might be good. JW – Maybe updating all our CI to macos-13? MT – Related to ambertools-adjacent issues, how long do we want to continue supporting intel macs? JW – Does numpy has a policy that we can copy? MT – Unlikely, conda-forge has some platform deprecation policies but they’re extremely generous so unlikely to be useful for this question. JW – Really a question of how much we spend supporting our upstreams to keep them compatible with intel macs. I’ll ask lead team about this.
JW – Looking forward to agile stakeholder meeting friday. Working on collecting a list of backlog tasks but nothing particularly Matt-specific has popped up. I told JM to spend up to a quarter of his time on iterating on PRs with you, so feel free to coordinate with him directly Expect a bespokefit release soon, BW found a bug/newly emerged interaction with QCF that causes issues.