2024-07-15 Westbrook/Wagner Check-in meeting notes


  • @Brent Westbrook (Unlicensed)

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





General updates

  • JW –

    • Lots of CI failures today for various reasons, slightly behind on PR review, could do that during today’s meeting.

    • Want to try your hand at PR reviews? Lots of changes from JHorton and I’m kinda slow to respond. Eg this.

      • My major process for reviewing PRs is:

        • (before looking at code) Read over the goals of the PR and try to understand them, and decide whether it’s a good thing at all.

          • Assume Josh H adding stuff is a good idea

        • If it’s a good thing, then see whether the good thing actually got implemented by looking at the tests and ensuring that the good thing actually happens.

        • Ensure the tests also cover common failures (if relevant, maybe less is needed in an already-developed codebase with input validation and stuff)

        • If the above are all good, assume you’ll approve the PR unless the implementation is terrible. Ensure implementation is kinda documented and readable, but it doesn’t need to be a work of art or anything.

        • Ensure new API points render in docs

        • Be sure that the releasenotes get updated

  • BW –

  • (reviewed https://github.com/openforcefield/openff-qcsubmit/pull/286#pullrequestreview-2178441034 together)



Action items
