2024-11-01 Thompson/Wagner Check-in meeting notes


  • @Matt Thompson

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





General updates

  • JW –

    • Early work on NAGL2 will involve some kinda infrastructure-y stuff and science team invited me to delegate someone to help out (though they’re fine completing the work on their own). Would you have interest in being involved in this and potentially having tasks/reviews spun out to you?

      • MT – I’d be open to starting something (not as a long term commitment). When would it switch over to infra team responsibility?

      • JW – Expecting ownership to stick with science team for 6 month-1 year. But we can contribute on technical testing/packaging fronts.

      • MT – I think I could fit well in a technical role here, but I can’t be responsible for science stuff. This could be a good way to get our foot in the door toward ownership though.

      • JW – Agree, I’d mostly think this could be a neat skils development experience for you, and while it’d be great if you could minimize tech debt where it’s clearly avoidable, this wouldn’t be a domain knowledge ownership thing.

    • I’m very close to having PDP/career growth meeting template filled out, I’ll send instructions to you and JM today on slack.

  • MT –

    • FYI - Most recent bug report in toolkit - Can’t serialize topologies with SImpleMolecule



Action items
