2024-11-27 Mitchell/Wagner Check-in meeting notes

2024-11-27 Mitchell/Wagner Check-in meeting notes


  • @Josh Mitchell

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





General updates

  • JM

  • JW

    • Thanks for quick turnaround on proteinbenchmark-on-nrp changes.

    • Have you added vacation to calendar?

      • JM – Added


  1. JM will implement limited rcloneing and not copy over the entire results directory

    1. JM – Done

  2. JM will implement request for 20GB ephemeral storage.

    1. JM – Done

  3. JM will adapt YAML template and individual umbrella window script to pass FF, Window, Replica, Target etc directly through environment variables rather than through the intermediary of CLI arguments

    1. JM – Done.

    2. CC – No issues here as far as I can tell.

  4. CC update

    1. CC – Launched 20 jobs yesterday and ecerything went fine, and 40 jobs today. So seems to be working as planned. Haven’t tries convntional MD runs yet, but based on JM’s changes I should be able to do this once my current runs finish.

  5. JW – Utilization looks good. LW’s jobs had just finished when I woke up and were idling a bunch of GPUs so I turned them off. But these all look great. JM, please offer to help LW with that (even knowing that evaluator is more complicated)

    1. JM – Will do

  6. JW – Further things to do?

    1. JM – I’ve implemented everything I could think of.

    2. CC – This seems to be working well. One potential change on my end would be to break up the trajectories, but I can do that in the repo. Not a blocker.

    3. JW – Sounds good, feel free to request more GPUs

    4. JM – It looks like there are lots unused (the “gpumon” user is likely unused GPUs)




Action items



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