2021-07-20 Setiadi/Wagner Check in

2021-07-20 Setiadi/Wagner Check in


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Jeffry Setiadi

Discussion topics






  • JS – Tried implicit solvent parameter refitting. Fit to hydration free energies and host-guest binding. The former tends to increase the radii, the latter tends to decrease the radii (at least for N and O).

  • JS – The current HCT/OBC1/OBC2 files live in test_forcefields. Could we make authoritative versions of these?

    • JW – Yes, we could put them into openff-forcefields as version 1.0.0 of their respective titles.

  • JS – Would like to be able to run with GBn and GBn2 implicit solvent models.

  • JS – Would also like to be able to run OBC, varying alpha/beta/gamma

    • JW – These are buried pretty deep in the OpenMM implementation. This would be kinda hard to implement, and the odds of me making a mistake are pretty high.

      • alpha/beta/gamma are baked into hard-coded OpenMM CustomGBForces for built-in implementations.

      • comments discussing alpha/beta/gamma in initial PR to add GBSA support

Prototyping new GBSA handlers

  • Working in smirnoff-plugins

  • JW can do most of initial implementation, but doesn’t have bandwidth/experience to validate

  • We’ll do

    • Exposing alpha/beta/gamma for HCT, OBC1, OBC2

    • Adding GBn and GBn2

  • JS and JW worked together to make

  • JW will add GBSA force fields to the openff-forcefields package and tell JS when they’re in a release.

Action items
