2021-07-14 Mitchell/Wagner Check in

2021-07-14 Mitchell/Wagner Check in


  • @Josh Mitchell

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





Molecule cookbook

  • For from_iupac block, we get an error message becuase OETK isn’t in the docs build. Until we move docs building to GH actions, we’ll just disable execuation of this block.

  • JW approved and commented at

New theme

  • JM – The new theme has docs. They use GH actions and pages. I have previews set up for PRs, main branch, and releases. This will make it easy to experiment with building docs on GHA before we commit a production repo to that.

  • JW – re: Moving to GHA, I’m looking forward to this, but I’m concerned about breaking our old links into specific docs pages

    • JM – One thing we can do is have a single long-lived “fronted” url, like docs.openforcefield.org/openff-toolkit, and have that host the docs. This would allow us to switch backends in the future without breaking all the urls.

  • JW – Approved pending @Simon Boothroyd and @Matt Thompson 's approval of the same theme for their repos


  • JW – Can we generally support rendering the docs from external PRs?

    • JM – We could:

      • Host the docs in a different repo

      • Make a downloadable artifact

      • Host docs for external PRs (from forks) on ReadTheDocs

    • JW – Risks that we want to avoid are:

      • Giving untrusted users write access to important/production branches

      • Giving untrusted users access to secrets in general

  • JW – In the past 30 minutes, we haven't been able to think of a safe way to give write/secrets access to PRs from forks, so let’s just not plan to do that at all.

  • JM – Also, readthedocs hosts old versions and stuff, so that helps. Though the build machine resource limits have been causing some docs builds to fail recently.

    • JW – If this keeps up, we can get in touch with RTD and/or get a paid plan.

Action items
