2021_09_29 Mitchell/Wagner Check in

2021_09_29 Mitchell/Wagner Check in


  • @Josh Mitchell

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





General updates

  • JW ā€“ Some confusion on docs examples link, Iā€™ve redirected RTD to latest temporarily

Things to review

  • OE license security for PRs from forks

    • JM ā€“ Playground for ā€œTrusted user posts a special GH comment that allows CI on the latest commit to have access to secretsā€

    • JM ā€“ Generally, this would be possible, but weā€™d either need to

      • duplicate all the CI yamls to have trusted and untrusted variants, or

      • Add ~100 lines to each CI yaml to add trust-detection logic

    • So basically, itā€™s not possible to have an external file that can just be added to repos to make a ā€œmagic wordā€ for maintainers to allow CI secret access to previous commit.

  • Decision ā€“ After one research cycle on this, weā€™ve decided not to try rolling our own privileged/fine-grained secrets access for PRs from forks. Instead, when people open a new PR to master, a maintainer will make a new branch (like contrib-987) off master, redirect the PR to that, expect that secrets-requiring CI will fail, merge the PR into contrib-987, then the maintainer will open a PR from contrib-987 into master and merge if CI passes.

Next steps

  • (low priority) JM will make a checklist for the above ā€œPR from forksā€ process for openff-toolkit wiki

  • (medium) JM will advertise openff-toolkit-examples package on #internal slack channel

  • (high) Users guides

    • Continuing Interchange user guide ā€“ Figuring out where to meet in the middle

      • JM ā€“ Bullet points could be good. Prepared talks are also really good ā€“ Whatā€™s the philosophy behind the thing? What do the examples highlight? Etc. The most important part is the ā€œwhy?ā€ and the ā€œwhat?ā€, whereas the ā€œhowā€ can be looked up in the API docs

    • Bespokefit/QCSubmit docs ā€“ Same as above

      • JM ā€“ There are talks on this on Youtube, maybe I can craft something from that?

      • JW ā€“ Itā€™d be cool if you can harvest the high-level points from those, but Iā€™ll also tell JHorton and/or SBoothroyd to get in contact with you once theyā€™re ready to begin iterating on this.

  • (low) Check main website for broken links

  • (medium) Spec migration PR

    • (Discussed steps forward at length, came up with a plan in a comment on that PR)

Action items
