Talk review | Intro to OpenFF’s architecture? (Molecule, Topology, ForceField) Slide 2+3: Maybe give more high-level motivation? Maybe a high-level motivation of “I want to start with polymer building blocks and make a force field”, and maybe a simple diagram of what that might look like. Make a big table of needs with checks and Xs?
Slide 5: LW – JW do you have more to say here? Slide 7: Mobley lab won’t know much about this background (terms: “bespoke”, “SMIRKS”, “LibraryCharges” (maybe an actual librarycharge line from an OFFXML) ) – Maybe add pictures? Slide 9: What’s AlogP? Why do you need it? Maybe don’t reference AlogP by name, jsut say “I filtered these by compounds which have experimentally measured properties” SCIENCE: If for validation, how will you isolate effects from partial charges versus those from other FF deficiencies?
Plot: How many molecules in final set? JW – Please send me the big outliers on this plot and the code/data of this plot Checking how often different atom orderings yield different geometries/charges? Slides 3-5 can be removed or distilled down into “future directions” Slide 2 could be modified to say “here’s how you NORMALLY use OpenFF with a small molecule, and here’s how I want you to be able to use it for polymer FFs, but the problems are 1) making the polymer parameters and 2) pre-computing charges because the polymer is too big for AM1BCC” What additional things would be interesting to show?