2021-10-27 Thompson/Wagner Check in

2021-10-27 Thompson/Wagner Check in


  • @Matt Thompson

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





General updates

Biopolymer functionality walkthrough

(JW and MT worked on loading+running a PLBenchmarks protein-ligand complex, but runtime was too slow for the large protein use. MT showed an example of loading MainChain_ALA and _ARG into a single topology, assigning parameters and getting equivalent energies out in AMBER, GROMACS, OpenMM, and LAMMPS)

Reducing number of toolkit tests

  • MT – Too many tests

    • QC tests are failing

    • Many tests just loop over large datasets

    • GBSA energy tests are of questionable use

    • Status repo shows lots of stuff broken

    • Pint had a release with breaking changes for evaluator

      • Opened

De-ParmEd-ing examples

  • MT – I’m working on a PR for this.

  • JW – Do we want the examples to be a mix of ParmEd and Interchange, or should we do the whole switchover at once?

  • MT – I’d like to minimize the amount of ParmEd overall.

  • JW – Would like to be careful here about what we’re advertising and its suitability for use. Interchange is suitable for small molecules, but I expect that there’s some bugs/edge cases waiting to be found.

  • MT – There can be microrepos or monorepos. OpenFF is, in practice, more of a monorepo. People googling openforcefield will be directed to the toolkit. So if we don’t have interchange examples there then many users won’t find them at all.

  • (MT and JW discussed, here are steps forward)

Action items
