2021-06-16 Wagner/Mitchell Check-in


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Josh Mitchell



Discussion topics









  • JM: Got demonstration prepared

    • Demo site: openff-sphinx-theme documentation

    • Toolkit PR:

    • Toolkit RTD preview: https://open-forcefield-toolkit--979.org.readthedocs.build/en/979/

    • JW – Looks good. I’m inclined to approve, but to make sure it’s compatible with Interchange and Evaluator, could you open similar PRs to those repos as well?

      • – Give toolkit colors? Or default logo+colors

Next week

  • Cookbook of “all the different ways to make a molecule”

    • In notebook format

      • Can we link to this from the Molecule class docstring? Should this be IN the molecule class docstring?

    • “Molecules should have explicit hydrogens, bond orders, formal charges, stereochemistry (defined on GRAPH, not just 3D)”

    • Molecule.add_atom and Molecule.add_bond

    • from_file

    • from_file_obj

    • from_object, which really delegates to:

      • from_rdkit

      • from_openeye

    • from_smiles

    • from_mapped_smiles

    • from_qcschema

    • offmol.remap (instance method)

    • from_topology

    • from_inchi – “InChI is not intended to be an interchange format” NOTE THAT THIS DOESN’T PRESERVE ATOM ORDER!!

    • from_iupac (requires OpenEye)

    • Things that go through Topology, and you actually need to know the GRAPH of the molecule ahead of time (they require a unique_molecules keyword argument with the full identity of the molecules to run). This really just reorders the atoms to be in the other object’s order:

      • Topology.from_openmm (add’l step mol=topology.reference_molecules[0])

        • Maybe make a new method for Molecule.from_openmm which returns a list of Molecules?

      • Topology.from_mdtraj (add’l step mol=topology.reference_molecules[0])

    • Molecule.from_pdb_and_smiles

    • Molecule.from_dict() (which underlies from_ bson, json, toml, messagepack, yaml, pickle, etc)

Action items
