2021-04-21 Mitchell/Wagner Check in


April 21 2021


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Josh Mitchell



Discussion topics







PR #888 / Examples helper

  • Main issues:

    • Examples aren’t packaged at all in the openff-toolkit conda package!

    • Examples are outside the current package tree so they can’t be imported

    • 4 examples aren’t being tested currently because they require additional deps

    • CI testing goes slowly because it does unit tests and examples serially

    • Users can’t easily access our examples

  • Possible solutions

    • Take progress from this PR to loop in the 4 additional examples to CI

    • Use resource manager to give access

    • Make examples live in their own package within openff-toolkit repo (openff/toolkit/examples), package separately on conda-forge

    • Have separate example environments / additional deps specifications in each example subfolder

  • Decisions:

    • We could rename examples to openff-toolkit-examples, and leave it at the top level. This locks us into the “separate package” approach

      • JW – I’m partial to this, just because then we don’t have to distribute examples with the minimal/base package

      • JM – Agree

      • JW – Any advantage to sending it down to openff/toolkit-examples?

    • We could move examples to openff/toolkit/examples and leave a relative link in its place. This locks us into the “same package” approach

    • We will try distributing the data package as a standalone conda package. If this is crazy easy, then we will consider actually releasing it. Otherwise JM will focus on docs/examples content.

  • Next tasks

    • Open one or more PRs to resolve the following:

      • 4 examples aren’t being tested currently because they require additional deps

      • CI testing goes slowly because it does unit tests and examples serially

      • isort/black conflict fix

    • Look into building examples package on conda-forge, but don’t try too hard

    • Work on refactoring/rewording existing examples.

    • Possibly incorporating parts of “toolkit showcase” to end up with an example that does a protein-ligand simulation on binder.



Action items