2021_05_05 Wagner/Abi-Mansour Introduction

2021_05_05 Wagner/Abi-Mansour Introduction


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • Andrew Abi-Mansour

Discussion topics





Background on MMSchema/MMIC

Background on OpenFF

Materials science interface

QCArchive interface

  • Cheminformatics molecules going into QCArchive: GitHub - openforcefield/qca-dataset-submission: Data generation and submission scripts for the QCArchive ecosystem.

  • Getting cheminformatics molecules back out of QCArchive:

    • Old way:

    • New way: and GitHub - openforcefield/openff-bespokefit: Automated tools for the generation of bespoke SMIRNOFF format parameters for individual molecules.

  • Optimization is done using the ForceBalance package


JW – What if an OpenFF System could contain a combination of OpenFF molecules AND prmtop molecules

AAM – This could be handled using subclassing a new specification from a general base class. We’re not aiming to decide which standards may be used, but rather to host a language for how the standards are defined.



Action items
