2021-05-19 Wagner/Mitchell Check in

2021-05-19 Wagner/Mitchell Check in


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Josh Mitchell

Discussion topics






  • latest tag got merged + made

  • Toolkit showcase merged

  • Examples helper merged, package will be made at next release.

Working on

    • Spurious test failures – Re-kicked during meeting

  • Working on FF modification example

    • JM – Seems like toolkit showcase is cleaner. I’ll port it over to use more of that in the main package example

    • JM – Thinking about whether to use the same molecule for the whole thing.

    • JW – This is tricky because the molecules fromt eh sowcase were carefully selected to show differences based on one parameter (that doesn’t cancel itself out)

    • JM – Could make a hydroxyl angle straight. Thinking of an example where we add a new term to a FF, and it overrides singe it’s the most specific.

    • JW – good idea. If this explodes, it may be because torsions get unhappy when they get linear.

    • JW: Code to generate a SMARTS for a whole molecule, and then capturing just eg. a torsion of interest

from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule, Topology mol = Molecule.from_smiles('C=CO') print(mol.to_smiles(mapped=True)) mol.properties['atom_map'] = {0:1, 1:2, 2:3, 6:4} print(mol.to_smiles(mapped=True))
[C:1](=[C:2]([O:3][H:7])[H:6])([H:4])[H:5] [H][C:1]([H])=[C:2]([H])[O:3][H:4]


Next stuff

  • System docs?

  • FF release --> update all examples – This is relevant for the Sage release in ~1.5 months.

  • Link to binder landing page on OFF website, possibly also final copy of notebook.

    • Where should links go? Probably shouldn’t change front page, but maybe Software ?

    • JM can contact KCJ for help on updating the website

    • Can we have a rendered version of the notebook with some sort of fancy image of results? Like the final state of an NGLView widget? How could this be automatically updated?

  • Update examples readme to include showcase

Action items
