2021-05-26 Dalke/Wagner Task Speccing

2021-05-26 Dalke/Wagner Task Speccing


  • @Andrew Dalke (Deactivated)

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





First task/practice with OpenFF development

  • New molecule test set?

    • MiniDrugBank has untraceable provenance, suffers from openbabel conversion, many other problems

    • Would like a new test set of ~100 to ~300 organic (C, H, O , N, P, S) molecules to ensure equivalence between our use of OpenEye and RDKit.

      • Provenance of this set must be recorded (so, either keep names from original sources and record version of original datasets, or keep script for filtering them)

      • In the short run, we should mark+skip “bad” entries in this dataset, and use them as guidance for future changes

      • This file should be SDF, and should represent valid SDFs grom various sources.

  • Alternate: Fix R<n> interpretations between OE and RDKit

    • Would start by opening a PR or issue with a test case showing nonequivalent behavior between the toolkits, and then proposing fixes

    • AD – Could be a good fix to offer a warning when users might be burned by this behavior


  • For next meeting:

    • AD will rebuild dev environment: https://open-forcefield-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developing.html#setting-up-a-development-environment

    • JW will review AD’s PR

Action items
