Things to work on today? | Governing board notes for katharina --> How to secure expose from Confluence? Make more WBSes? How to better handle engagement? How many hours per week should I be doing project management? Should you set an "hours/week" target for me for different things? JW – For example, DDotson was somewhat resistant to using Jira. I don’t know much about it or have strong feelings, I just want to make sure that I have time for my work. DN – It becomes exhausting to talk to everyone to stay up to date on what’s going on. So on Jira we can assign tasks to people and set deadlines, and things are organized by default. JW – I’m going to plan to give you control over 4 hours per week of my time. I can spend doing anything you think is important, but it doesn’t “bank” between weeks. DN – Ok, that sounds good.
Should RGowers and I “sell” our time to each other to coordinate projects? No money would need to change hands DN – I understand what you’re saying, but that should be the last resort. Each project should have the understanding that collaboration is in their interest and should choose to pursue it. I currently have a better understanding of the operations of OpenFF than OpenFE, but I’d like to reach a state where I have an understanding of both projects and they see the benefits of collaboration. JW – That sounds good. I’d like to make sure that you have and exercise authority to enforce collaboration.
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