2022-02-02 Mitchell/Wagner check in

2022-02-02 Mitchell/Wagner check in


  • @Josh Mitchell

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





General updates/discussion

  • JW – Bespokefit status (I forgot)

    • JM – Still kinda under development, it should probably have the docs PR finished before it goes into production. Not sure about status. It’s amazing when it works, but gives mysterious errors kinda frequently.

  • JW – Working on improving team transparency - Could I put you on Trello?

    • JM – Sure

    • (JW added JM to trello)

  • JM – How do you find molecules of interest in QCArchive/using QCSubmit?

  • JM – What’s the difference between QCFractal and QCArchive? Who controls them?

    • JW – QCFractal is the codebase to run a QCFratal server. “QCArchive” is the largest instance of a QCFractal server. Both of them are controlled by MolSSI (a large grant-funded computational molecular sciences institute at Virginia Tech).

  • JM – Why do we have QCSubmit?

    • JW – Early on, we’d submit molecule datasets to QCArchive, but then when we’d try to pull them out, we’d have no idea what their graphs were, so we’d be unable to use them in force field fitting. We also got into a mess of bookkeeping, where datasets were named/tagged/labeled inconsistently. So QCSubmit and QCA-dataset-submission are repos that try to reduce entropy on those fronts.


  1. (high) Bespokefit users guide (in progress)

  2. (high) QCSubmit users guide (in progress)

  3. (high) ELF10 COOH conformer rotation issue (in progress)

  4. (medium) Toolkit API desire paths

  5. (medium) Toolkit docs cleanup

  6. (medium) Toolkit revised user guide

  7. (medium) Review+approve+merge OFFTK #1176

  8. (medium) Come up with “milestones” for making first of three videos this year (like, “first video on covid spike protein and small molecule, filmed this day, edited in that range, etc…”)

  9. (low) “How to cite” section on website (do not start, pending feedback)

  10. (low) Check main website for broken links

  11. (low) migrate docs to be under http://openforcefield.org

  12. domain (openforcefield/status would be base project repo)

  13. (low) Conda env yamls for each release (automated inside of Toolkit’s single-file-installer action)

Action items
