2022-01-05 Thompson/Wagner check in

2022-01-05 Thompson/Wagner check in


  • @Matt Thompson

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics






  • Project planning

    • 0.11.0 release planning

    • Made timelines and identified to-dos

    • Package release schedule? How to version/sync changes?

      • Try to test everything in a rc universe, release all at once, plan several days for firefighting residual bugs

    • Should 0.11.0 fully deprecate create_force methods in favor of just using interchange?

      • No, interchange doesn’t support GBSA, and this would break parameter handler plugins (like double exponential), so Interchange needs to at least have GBSA support and we need to give scientists plenty of time to port their stuff

      • So, we’ll keep the create_force methods around for the 0.11.0 release

  • Plugin test screensharing (didn’t get to this)

    • JW will try to have a second setup.py in the OFFTK repo to install custom parameterhandler plugins

    • MT will test whether the existing changes in the PR fix the collab FF loading issue

Action items
