2022-03-02 Nolasco/Wagner Check-in meeting notes

2022-03-02 Nolasco/Wagner Check-in meeting notes


  • @Diego Nolasco (Deactivated)

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





General updates

  • JW – From zoom website, you can make recurring meetings "open", which will make it so they can start without the host

    • (DN – Updated to “allow participants to join at any time”, JW confirmed that this allowed him to join without DN)

  • Bespokefit release bumpiness - Almost good to go - Ready to offer to swope.

    • DN – BSwope was at the OpenFE governance meeting, I think he has a formal vote.

    • DN – BSwope talked to me and wanted a broader overview about OpenFE. I told him I was preparing a strategic plan about both initiatives, and that it would be more informative than scattered documents. He and Christina Schindler were happy to hear that. I’m not sure if I was authorized to start making or adversiting this strategic plan.

    • JW – I think you have the authorization to do this. If you’re not sure, you can ask the governing board, but I strongly suspect that they’ll approve.

More WBSes?


OpenFE coordination?

(Discussion on several topics, the impromptu technical coordination that kinda derailed this week’d F@H meeting – How do we have that technical coordination happen ahead of time in the future?)

  • JW will open conversation with RGowers about a in-kind “developer swap” between efforts, which will provide frequent points of contact to drive technical coordination.

Action items
