Communications strategy
Decrease time from feature release to public knowledge of feature
Increasing utility of tools to academics - gives more heft via publishing - increases visibility (how do we get this? academic groups already like open source things, could make examples and docs more visible/discoverable, and ensure that the initial installs)
Improve discoverability, esp. of examples
Social media blitz, conference talks, virtual workshops
Automate/calendar-schedule social media blasts
Could ask on social media which examples they want to see
Encourage users to spread the word, or submit their notebooks to anything-goes
Do an AMA of some sort? Reddit/Twitch/Zoom office hours
University visits/workshops
Add examples that are relevant
Some heavy manual steps here, lots of consideration
Evolve examples/features to meet user needs (ex PTM concept evolution from workshop to repo)
Some sort of regular project updates - newsletter? publish ad board updates? AI meeting summaries?
How do we do product differentiation? Ex espaloma vs. nagl? Is bespokefit an openff product.
Bespokefit is a little different from other OpenFF projects in that we’re not open to new features/contributions, whereas we’re open to contributions/new capabilities in most other packages.
Confusion about purpose - Feedback on the landing page has been that folks don’t have a clear idea of what we do - we should have a thing that says “we make force fields”
(Who maintains our website? JW: Let’s say that the infrastructure team does)
How can we make meeting notes more accessible to outsiders?
AI summary? Mixed feelings about accuracy.
Who is this summary intended for? Maybe somewhat infequent meeting attendees who need to occasionally catch up.
Could publish monthly ad board summaries
Could do 1 paragraph AI summaries as part of a newsletter, and the paragraphs could link to the meeting notes.
Recurring meetings
Problems to address:
What are we trying to accomplish?
MT – Recall that JW told a person at the in person meeting that we can now load PDBs. We should look at improving this ratio of staff time to external person time.
How do external but interested parties find out status?
Meeting types – a central list of all science meetings, purposes, channels, notes and agendas, somewhere public
Product differentiation
Espaloma vs NAGL
general collaboration research work vs OpenFF’s
OpenFF website is very old
Need to cut out a lot of cruft
It should primarily be a map to our online footprint that explains and contextualises how pieces fit together
From the IRL meeting, good place to ask what to keep
Ideally: update site once a quarter
A splash page that explains all parts of the project and links to all relevant resources sounds like a good idea, but what we have is an approximation of this that is very hard to keep up to date.
KCJ put a lot of work into structure, but now no one uses it
Example notebooks
Barrier to getting people to find it
Blog Post Ideas
How you can use nagl to make your life easier - LW
Why we need nagl - LW
Use AI to set up your molecules for simulation! - JE
How to win at conferences
What does it mean for a force field to be self-consistent? - CC
Why do we need a general force field?
How hard is it to train a protein force field? - CC
Is a molecule a molecule?
Why do we need to track stereochemistry?
Why all of our molecular file formats are terrible and (we shouldn’t make another/we should just use Interchange instead)
Why you should never (in MM-land) infer a molecular structure from elements and 3D coordinates alone - JuH
Types of thinking you can’t do on 6 hours of sleep
The cost of free in open source - JW
Other fruits are expensive but bananas are cheap
Why are physical models relevant in the face of machine learning?
If someone else made the world’s best force field using our tools and methods, we still win
What we’ve done in the past x_ - JE
Boston is too expensive
Let’s have conferences in Charlotte instead
Bad AI/ML models
We have the tools to discriminate between good and bad models
Leaked meeting transcripts
Areas of opportunity
What are we NOT good at?
OpenFF tools are designed to be used (and expanded upon)
My favorite github issues - PB
Lily’s improper dihedral rant
the value of collecting scattered information in a single location
An apology for aromaticity
Savage self-criticism
Why we should drop (graph-based) bond order and no longer use aromaticity - DM
What happened with the WBO project (and is it still a good idea?)
When is it time to pull the plug on a project?
Cheminformatics can’t comprehend transition metals
We make no warranty but we do provide (some) support
When to deprecate and how to maintain trust - MT
The importance of open source scientific software - BM
See which is a paper version of some of the key ideas (DLM) ← Thank you! (BM)
How is our project structured and funded? - JE
How does a grad student work with OpenFF? - AF
Python dependencies suck - TG