2020-08-03 Benchmarking meeting notes

2020-08-03 Benchmarking meeting notes


Aug 3, 2020


  • @Matt Thompson

  • @Trevor Gokey


  • Brief Trevor on earlier work

  • Sketch out a path forward for infrastructure

    • function calls on MM vs QM (constraints?)

Discussion topics






  • Generally, we want a way to reproduce the plots in this blog post and repo

    • https://openforcefield.org/news/benchmark_small_molecules/

    • once there’s a new ff release, “hit a button” and re-generate data

Can we use QC* for the compute

Need to make sure the MM calculation is sampling the same space as QM torsion drives
QCA is designed for rigidly-specified calculations, will not be very reactive to frequent modifications of the shape of the analysis.

  • Can a modified form of QCEngine be more adaptable to more diverse operations?

    • Yes, but would require a fair amount of work (bunch of harnesses)


Trevor has some infrastructure for this

  • Fetches QC data from QCArchive, parametrizes structure with MM and tags MM and QM structures

  • “static” calculations are doable, exploratory calculations are not well-suited for QCArchive

    • basics (energies, RMSDs) feasible within existing infrastructure

      • minimizing MM geometries introduces compute limitations and some stochasticity

    • exploratory (“what happens if I modify the ddE formula, or do this other thing?”) not really questions we’d want to shove through QCA

What properties should be included?

  • Simple properties doable short-term

    • ddE

    • RMSD

  • More complex analyses probably not tractable for automation

Action items

@Trevor Gokey for next time will prepare a showcase on current functionality of his code, including trying to reproduce Parsley benchmark from Lim’s work but with his code
