2021-01-08 Sigma/rmin_half setter fix meeting notes

2021-01-08 Sigma/rmin_half setter fix meeting notes


Jan 8, 2021


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Simon Boothroyd

  • @Matt Thompson

Discussion topics





Verification of problem

  • Bug seems to have been introduced in #750.

  • Basically, the equation for calculating sigma from rmin_half involves a term, r_0, which is twice rmin_half. In recent changes, we’ve routed around the OLD code path that implemented this equation, and the new code that implements it leaves off the factor of , treating rmin_half as if it were r_0

Immediate fix

  • JW – Review simon’s PR (https://github.com/openforcefield/openforcefield/pull/808/files), immediately cut a new release.

    • Decision – Jeff and Matt will review+merge PR immediately

  • What to do about 0.8.1 and 0.8.2 packages?

    • SB – Could pull them from Anaconda

    • JW – Could put them in off-main label

      • SB – In favor of adding them to a broken label

    • MT – I don’t think there’s any major blocker to making people restart work if they’re using 0.8.1

    • Decision – We will put them on omnia/label/broken

  • More energy tests

    • SB – Could use an old version of the toolkit to calculate energies, and then add those as --runslow regression tests

    • (General) – Variety of molecules, a few situations like small molecule dimers.

    • Decision – Before release, we will put in a few energy tests (~5) based on numerical results using older version of toolkit and a single OpenFF OFFXML. In the longer term, we will add a more comprehensive test suite for molecule energies.

    • Spec:

      • Must cover each of the ParameterHandlers in the toolkit’s forcefield class

        • For charges TIP3P and TIP5P library charges

      • Must include tests for some single molecules and some molecule dimers

      • Must include tests that are and are not periodic

      • Reference energies should be calculated using OpenFF toolkit 0.8.0 and openff_unconstrained-1.0.0.offxml and openff-1.0.0.

      • Molecules should be

        • molecules/ethanol.sdf

        • methane_multiconformer.sdf (with two methanes)

        • CID_207…_anion.sdf

        • toluene.sdf

        • water dimer

Long term fix

  • JW – Could make a new build with HUGE warning on load

    • MT – Add big warning to top-level init

    • Make two branch starting from the 0.8.1 and 0.8.2 release tags, have one commit on that branch (adding warning), then either make a new tag (eg 0.8.1broken) or create new package build direct from commit to that branch

      • MT – Slightly in favor of tag.

    • SB – I’m in favor of not making any main-label package at all. People who specifically want these packages should have to confirm that there’s something wrong by reading through the justification.

    • SB – If we do add a new pacakge, it shouldn’t raise a warning, it should only raise an error on import.

    • Decision – We will not make any new package at all

  • SB – Could add protein-ligand energy regression tests, and tests for other use cases that will likely be of high importance to users.

  • Something like Trevor’s virtual sites test?

  • After fix, relative energy differences were down to 1e-5. Only one molecule agrees to 1e-7. Why can’t we do better?

  • (Discussion paused in the interest of accomplishing short term goals)

Post mortem

  • MT – Will this kind of rollback/label shifting be possible on conda-forge?

    • SB – I think so

  • SB – Are there other areas of “same variable, multiple names”? Could we come up with a pattern for how to handle these in a unified way so that the conversions are done more safely?

  • (Folks have many more thoughts, we’re putting this on hold until a good build is available)

Action items

@Jeffrey Wagner will make a channel announcement that 0.8.1 and 0.8.2 are not to be used and are being pulled from the main omnia label, also transmit via twitter post, mailchimp email.
@Jeffrey Wagner will remove 0.8.1 and 0.8.2 packages from omnia/labels/main
@Jeffrey Wagner will update the GitHub releases to indicate this issue
@Jeffrey Wagner will update old releasehistory entries to indicate that the releases have the vdW error.
@Jeffrey Wagner will open a new issue on GitHub to indicate that 0.8.1 and 0.8.2 are not to be used. This issue will be pinned. This will include text snippets that are likely to be encountered by users attempting to get 0.8.1 and 0.8.2
@Matt Thompson and @Jeffrey Wagner will add regression tests to catch previous issue
@Jeffrey Wagner and @Matt Thompson will review and merge #808
@Jeffrey Wagner and @Matt Thompson will cut 0.8.3 release
@Jeffrey Wagner will update to indicate that 0.8.3 release has been made
@Jeffrey Wagner will schedule postmortem meeting on Monday