2020-04-23 Torsion Interpolation Meeting notes

2020-04-23 Torsion Interpolation Meeting notes


Apr 23, 2020


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Chaya Stern (Deactivated)

  • @David Dotson

  • @Jessica Maat (Deactivated)

  • @David Mobley

  • @Joshua Horton


  • Ensure that planned implementation covers all use cases

  • Begin discussing details of implementing torsions in production FFs

Discussion topics







Implementation plan

@Jeffrey Wagner and or @David Dotson

  • Overview of the current plan

  • Where do “curves” come from?

    • Fitting process will encode them in each force field

  • CS – Previous work has been restricted to only refitting k terms for terms with periodicity=2. Do we want to do the same?

    • DM – We can experiment with this.

    • JW – If we have multiple Ks for the torsion, but only want to vary one K with bondorder, but implementation requires the same number of kXbondorderB for each, then we can just provide the same K for each bondorder in the “vanilla” torsions

    • DM – Would be helpful to identify key functional groups/molecules to look at by modifying notes after meeting.

  • CS – Are we looking at doing bond/angle interpolation as well?

    • (General) – Yes, but after torsions

  • CS – I’ve found some molecules that would be really good for tests, such as substituted biphenyls

    • JW – We should separate benchmarks and unit tests

    • (General) – We can include a few of these in the toolkit’s integration tests

  • DD – Is current implementation sufficient?

    • JH – May be useful to have per-torsion interpolation scheme? Would it be OK to do “linear” for an entire section, or should we allow each parameter to have a different interpolation scheme?

    • (General) no – this would just add another fitting parameter. We can add it in a year or two if needed.

Working with several torsion types per torsion scan.

@Chaya Stern (Deactivated)

  • Weighting different torsion types to get the asymmetry for chiral torsions

    • Could allow phase angle to be other than 0/180

    • Could allow different “weighting” of the many torsions, so that cosines don’t combine to be symmetric

    • JW – If a nitrogen gets conjugated as a function of torsion angle, then this may be an inherent problem with our cheminformatics representations

    • DM – Two thoughts:

      • WBOs let us avoid some problems with cheminformatics representations

      • I don’t want to represent parameters as chiral

    • CS – If a torsion involves a trivalent nitrogen, the ones with lower WBOs do not conjugate. It may be possible to represent this in the FF.

    • JM – So, would we calculate WBO around trivalent N, and interpolate differently based on the behavior we see?

    • CS – You’ll get the same improper torsion within different environments. So analyzing central bond character of connected proper torsions may be informative

    • CS – If nitrogen DOESN’T conjugate, you get asymmetrical PROPER torsion scan curves.

    • CS – If you look at a scan of an IMPROPER torsion, it may be possible to find a threshold where it favors remaining pyramidal vs. planar.
      JM – Would be great to have molecules that display this behavior

    • JM – Data for biphenyls in in QCA?

    • CS – Yes, this is in a torsiondrive dataset (CS will paste name/link here)

  • In the above, two questions were discussed:

    • For a PROPER torsion where the 1- or 4- atoms are a pyrimidal nitrogen center (or other chiral center maybe?), the torsion profile is expected to be ASYMMETRIC – How do we represent this in the FF?

    • For an IMPROPER torsion, where the center is ALSO a 2- or 3- atom in a PROPER torsion, sometimes a pyrimidal center will favor being pyrimidal initially, but for certain angles of the PROPER torsion, the pyrimidal center could favor being planar.

  • DM – Be cautious about encoding chirality in SMARTS – This will impose contraints on the generality of training data

  • CS – I need someone who will take over fitting to/owning biphenyl set. Otherwise I’ll go ahead and try to publish it in its current state.

    • JM – I’m potentially interested. I’ll look over the current data and plan. Will contact Chaya to discuss.

    • CS – My timeframe on this is that I’m starting a new job in mid- to late-may, so we should make a decision before then.

Trivalent nitrogen

@Chaya Stern (Deactivated) and @Jessica Maat (Deactivated)

  • Discuss coupling of torsions with trivalent nitrogen.

    • (Notes for this are mixed into the above section)

Action items

@Jessica Maat (Deactivated) will contact @Chaya Stern (Deactivated) and decide whether / how to continue WBO work
@Chaya Stern (Deactivated) will send @David Dotson the SMARTS that defines the central bond of biphenyls, for use in tests/documentation of WBO torsions



The biphenyl molecules are a good set of molecules to use for initial testing. The torsion scans are on QCArchive in the OpenFF Substituted Phenyl Set 1 TorsionDriveDataset. Their IDs are:

  • Neutral: [cH:1]1cc(cc[c:2]1[c:3]2[cH:4]cncc2)O

  • Cation: [cH:1]1cc(cc[c:2]1[c:3]2[cH:4]c[nH+]cc2)O

  • Anion: [cH:1]1cc(cc[c:2]1[c:3]2[cH:4]cncc2)[O-]

  • Zwitterion: [cH:1]1cc(cc[c:2]1[c:3]2[cH:4]c[nH+]cc2)[O-]

The SMARTS pattern of the central bond torsion: [*:1]~[#6X3:2]-[#6X3:3]~[*:4]

The data on the substituted phenyl set shows that the WBO is linearly related to torsion barrier heights which should enable torsion parameters interpolation and / or extrapolation. However, some of the fitted lines have low r^2. This might be because:

  1. Steric interactions of bulky groups. To fully test this hypothesis, the other FF terms need to be subtracted from the QC curve and those curves should be compared.

  2. Trivalent nitrogen in a pyramidal conformation creates a chiral center which disrupts the symmetry around 0 and results in one barrier height being a lot higher than its mirror image.

There are two problems that are somewhat coupled.

  1. Torsion scans that involve chiral centers are not symmetric around 0. One way that we might be able to deal with this without needing to encode chirality or allow the phase angle to shift is to weigh the contribution of the torsion types in one torsion differently.

  2. Torsion involving trivalent nitrogens. The chirality of such nitrogens can flip during a torsion scan. In addition, the improper angle is coupled with the torsion. If the improper angle remains in a pyramidal conformation throughout the torsion scan, the scan will not be symmetric around zero because of the chiral center. If the nitrogen conjugates then the improper angle will be planer at lower energy conformers and pyramidal at higher energy conformers. The WBO of the central bond might be predictive of this behavior. For a series of molecules with the same torsion type involving a trivalent nitrogen, the molecules with lower WBOs will not conjugate and remain pyramidal throughout the entire scan.