2021-01-19 Toolkit 0.9.0 Release Process Notes

2021-01-19 Toolkit 0.9.0 Release Process Notes


Jan 19, 2021


  • @Matt Thompson

  • @Simon Boothroyd


  • Step through the standard release process:

  • Update release process

  • Do release

  • Make informative issue on GitHub as a landing spot for migration questions

  • Tag follow-up topics for discussion or action

Discussion topics

  • Needed to update README

    • Some small details slipped through the cracks of the big namespace migration PR

    • Weird versioneer issue in which multiple tags at the same commit can break things

      • Tested locally: the same commit being tagged 0.9.0rc and 0.9.0 did not break (on my machine) but tagging 0.9.1 cause the most recent version (import openff.toolkit; print(openff.toolkit.__version__))to show up as 0.9.0rc1 when it should be 0.9.1.

  • Some changes to feedstock

    • Dropped config file that pushes it to openff-toolkit_rc

    • Added line in other config file that uploads built artifacts to Azure

  • There is a delay (presumably almost an hour) between packages being “online” (here: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/openff-toolkit/files) and actually install-able (a la conda install openff-toolkit -c conda-forge)

    • This is probably due to some stuff happening behind the scenes by conda-forge (look at the cf-staging repo: https://anaconda.org/search?q=openff-toolkit)

    • This more or less blocks later steps in the release process (deployment testing and single-file installer building)

      • Is this okay?

      • Any workarounds?

Taking a 1h break for packages to show up, Simon dropping off for now

After packages showing up:

  • Single-file installers seem to be working okay, but need to be run locally to pull from conda-forge

  • Deployment tests mostly working (will need to pass)

Action items
