Individual updates | DN SB Mostly working on vsites - Getting things together to do fits, doing test fits, looking into the science to figure out why some fits aren’t going how I’d like. But things are moving forward and thanks to MT and JW for quick releases+fixes. So now it seems like something might be fixed since things are looking a bit cleaner - vsites on halogens are looking better. So I’ve been working on the vsite fitting and NN fitting in “gnn-charge-models” under my personal org. I’ll transfer this over to openforcefield org before I go. Once the current bugfix goes in I’ll try to do a quick refit and benchmark set. Hopefully I can do this before the end of the week. My visa got approved and my contract with OpenFF ends at the end of this week, so I may be around a little but my regular work is done and I’ll be heading out.
MT Lots of little things surrounding biopolymer release. The 0.11 toolkit units (openff units) are incompatible with old units - Writes things like Å instead of angstrom , which simtk can’t read. So FFs written by new toolkit wouldn’t be readable by old toolkit. Also openff units doesn’t do * between value and unit, which the old toolkit requires. I found a simple solution this morning that writes out Sage from 0.11 in a way that can be read by 0.10.5. Other option could be updating SMIRNOFF spec to explicitly say how units should be written. JW – My only guiding principle is reverse compatibility. I don’t know what a SMIRNOFF spec section on units would even look like - Would we need to proactively define the spelling for every possible unit that we might ever use? PB – Are OFFXMLs the only places where we see this? MT – Kinda. There are two sorts of unit interop situations - In memory conversion and on-disk conversion. OpenFF units already provides in-memory conversion, it’s just the parseability of on-disk sources JW – There’s also serialized molecules (partial charges, conformers) where this will come up.
MT – Likely 0.10.6 toolkit release today/tomorrow. This is to fix a loading/unloading problem for vsites from XML.
DD PB Less productive last week, worked on looking at chemistries that have bad torsion profiles on non-training sets on QCA and checking whether some of those can be resolved with a parameter split. Working with Trevor to push some valence parameter improvements. Have lot of writing tasks pending, have to work on them this week.
JW – Debugged OE chemical environment matches test failure Really strange OE hierarchy metadata assignment when things are undefined - Defaulting all undefined atoms to " ", 1, "UNL" . Roundtrippability is now not guaranteed in to/from OE+RDKit, since hierarchy metadata will be added if it wasn’t there before. Expect biopolymer alpha this week Bespokefit working session with Swope and Horton. DD had gotten the benchmarking project to work, could have suggestions? Maybe we should make single file installers. Meeting again this Tuesday. Bit of org stuff, project planning and getting ready for sci lead transition