Individual updates
| MT Tried to make an example for the annual meeting but had trouble. Merged a PR to update examples, split examples that require ParmEd and OpenMMForceFields into an examples/external/ subfolder. This is a compromise position, as I don’t want us to have anything to do with those two packages. Preparing for a gromacs update - Working on understanding assumptions, like whether two isomorphic molecules should get identical parameters assigned. Found some performance improvements for gromacs export.
DD CC JW PB Some work on getting the DEXP-optimized FF's valence parameters refit, some targets are failing in the first step itself so have to spend some more time on filtering those or tuning hyperparameters. Dataset resubmission with additional mols for Jessica's set of torsions. Reviewing first draft of Sage manuscript, sending it out to Mobley and Shirts for intermediate review this week. Updating documentation on confluence.
DN Excited for annual meeting tomorrow, and to share my thoughts on strategy. In other roles I’ve guided strategic planning for large teams. There are three principles: Putting the right people in the right places, building a good organizational culture, and repeating the key points of this culture on a daily basis. It’s important for us to be self-directed, and now tweaking the project and its goals every day. So the strategy will protect us from shifts in scope/priority. Drafting annual report - I’ll be totally focused on this after the annual meeting, so please look for questions from me after Tuesday, since this document will help people advocate for us in their companies.