2022-02-09 All-hands meeting notes

2022-02-09 All-hands meeting notes


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Jessica Maat (Deactivated)

  • @Matt Thompson

  • @David Mobley

  • @Karmen Condic-Jurkic

  • @David Dotson

  • @Owen Madin

  • @Chapin Cavender

  • @Michael Gilson

  • @Tobias Huefner

  • @Diego Nolasco (Deactivated)

  • @Trevor Gokey

Recording here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pupUea5L2UVn1l1T47qgR3tGZ8jBI-QJ/view?usp=sharing

Discussion topics





General updates

  • JW –

  • KCJ – Confluence reorganization

    • I’ve archived several spaces and made new ones that more closely follow the logic of how we work.

    • Important - Check out the “Useful Tips” page for best practices

    • If you need a new template, feel free to make one. I’ve made most people admins so you can try making templates yourself.

    • use labels on your pages, but try to use existing labels where possible for maximum utility

    • Be careful about what you put in your personal spaces, since they’re harder to find than pages in shared spaces. Don’t use blog posts in most cases.

Project management overview


  • projects are temporary endeavors to deliver on a single goal; goals are components of the organization’s overall strategy

  • setting clear goals is key to a project’s success; lacking clear goals often results in project failure to deliver anything

  • oriented on OKR (objectives and key results) basis in order to assess project health, ensure forward progress toward goals given allocated resources

  • project manager will work to protect scope of project where possible, as well as

    • be able to give reasonable time estimates to stakeholders, manage expectations

    • keep costs within reasonable bounds

    • identify measures of quality of project outputs

    • ensure appropriate allocation of resources to projects, manage resources across multiple projects, avoid cannibalization of resources between projects

  • MG – Some of those boxes are more challenging than others. How is that handled? Would some of those items have breakdowns of their own?

    • DN – Yes, when suitable we’ll break those down into more detailed structure.


Mobley questions

  1. An update on alternative functional forms/work being done there; @dannycole and crew are you up for doing that soon? (Pick a month: These are, I believe, the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am Pacific, so the next would be Feb. 16 or March 16)

    1. DM – Resolved on slack, DCole will present at March ad board meeting.

  2. Plans for virtual sites in connection with protein force fields… I’m not sure who could update on that/whether plans are at all concrete yet. @Simon Boothroyd do you have thoughts? I believe the infrastructure is ready but we’ll probably need to get a protein FF out first and then begin working on testing how virtual sites effect it, so it may be that we could just give something high-level as to what the major stages would be. @Chapin Cavender any thoughts?

    1. DM – Defer to another meeting when SB is present


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