2020-08-14 QCA Submission Meeting notes
Aug 14, 2020
@David Dotson
@Trevor Gokey
@Joshua Horton
Plan of attack for MM calculation failures
Deployment instructions for OpenFF managers on
conda config --set channel_priority cannot be “strict” for the anaconda hosted spec (must be “flexible”)
Lifecycle handling for
.New datasets
Disacharride submission
Protein Fragments Dataset V2
Add additional compute to OpenFF-Benchmark-Ligands
QCSubmit: implement a toplevel qcsubmit.submit(“dataset.json”, client=None)?
submit(“dataset.json”, “spec-default.json”, client=None)?
submit(“dataset.json”, “spec-openff-1.0.0.json”, client=None)?
MM specs are inserting/using psi4 options
Using unconstrained openff versions / prevent constrained?
geomeTRIC does not respect system.xml <Constraint> elements (natively)
GHA restarting not working on non-default specs?
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
QCA conda deployment |
lifecycle handling for | Josh |
GHA restarting | Trevor |
New datasets | David |
QCSubmit questions | Trevor |
Action items
changes. Will include a separate env file for each QCEngine harness we use.