2020-10-23 QCA Submission Meeting notes

2020-10-23 QCA Submission Meeting notes


Oct 23, 2020


  • @David Dotson

  • @Trevor Gokey

  • @Joshua Horton

  • Ben Pritchard


  • New advancements

  • New submissions

    • DD: Jessica Maat’s Phenyl resubmission (in preparation)

    • JH: Protein Fragments Optimizations (resubmit with version bump, constraint indices 1-based)

    • DD: MM/ML on unfragmented JACS set (blocked)

    • TG: Enamine REAL subset Optimization

  • Upcoming infrastructure improvements

    • STANDARDS-based versioning #137

    • Dataset index on qca-dataset submission #147

  • Upcoming science support

    • Selection of TorsionDrives from a dataset by SMARTS matching (prototyped; need PR into QCSubmit)

    • PCM-based implicit solvent pathway

    • ESPs and wavefunction storage

  • Larger advances

    • Automated FF coverage gap identification, torsion prioritization, submission generation

    • Benchmarking (dashboard, etc.)

Discussion topics







GeomeTRIC and ANI2x


  • TG: Increasing iterations should solve many (perhaps all)

    • what’s the level of dedup that will happen with results?

  • BP: Optimizations are all-or-nothing; if they don’t complete, no trajectory is stored

  • JH: what if I overwrote the spec, say the ANI2x spec, would that cause restarts to use the new geomeTRIC maxiter?

  • BP: if you deleted the spec, the Optimizations would exist, but would have a pointer to something that doesn’t exist.

    • we’re still debating here what parameters constitute changes to compute

  • TG: why don’t we filter out the molecules we know will work for ANI and just do a new submission?

    • perhaps a new submission is the best approach, with appropriate molecules

  • JH: Is the memory increase a symptom of geomeTRIC’s or QCEngine handling of e.g. the ANI models?

    • DD: if geomeTRIC is creating a new harness instance every time it needs to do a calculation, this would likely do this; need to verify

  • JH: Is the whole Optimization is done in one go on the worker? Has to hold onto a lot of stuff.

  • TG: Geometric just calls QCEngine, doesn’t deal with the harnesses directly, so singleton class instances would need to be handled by QCEngine or made explicit in geomeTRIC

  • DD: paths forward?

    • ANI1, ANI1cxx added to ligand benchmark

    • A maxiter=3000 ANI2xv2 spec added to ligand benchmark

    • JH: WB97 would be of interest, because this is the DFT ANI is trained on; will ask Adrian and others if this is desired in #qcfractal

Bugfixes in QCFractal


  • BP: worked with Trevor to find this bug that shows up in ~600 Optimizations

    • fairly serious, though rare; working on it

  • PR for output of TorsionDrive logs

  • Service limit is strange; doesn’t appear to have a strict effect

    • restarts on services don’t check the limit at all, so this is probably why

  • There’s a rare case where the TorsionDrive’s reference to the minimum points to a value that doesn’t exist in its data structure

    • DD: should we ignore the possible inconsistency of the minimum energy stored in the TorsionDrive and just calculate the minimum client-side, or do one-time remediation?

      • probably remediation/scrubber, since doesn’t seem to be happening on newer datasets

  • A lot of managers pulling down duplicate tasks; have a solution via semaphoring coming



  • We do support wavefunctions, no good way to reconstruct them after the fact

    • can specify wavefunctions in protocol, will store in QCArchive

    • need to get back the wavefunction client side, then get back orbitals so we can calculate ESPs

      • Like Wfn object in psi4?

  • Reconsituting psi4 wavefunction from what is stored is the key barrier right now

    • roundtripping on the wavefunction data that gets shoved into QCSchema

    • we think this should live in the psi4 Python layer

    • we need someone with sufficient expertise to implement this roundtripping in psi4

  • Trevor will discuss with Mobley the state of the problem, assess options for unblocking (who, when)

QCFractal torsiondrive debugging


  • Spent some time debugging the one-shot torsiondrive issues

    • solved errors DD was getting from the script being named torsiondrive.py; causes the torsiondrive package to fail if running from same dir

  • Intermittent SQL error observed by JH, DD, Xavier Lucas; still trying to assess the root issue; hard to debug due to intermittent appearance

Action items

@Joshua Horton will prepare an experimental supplemental compute submission for benchmark ligands
ANI1, ANI1cxx added to ligand benchmark
A maxiter=3000 ANI2xv2 spec added to ligand benchmark
@David Dotson will verify that geomeTRIC’s handling of QCEngine isn’t creating multiple harness instances of e.g. TorchANIHarness when making compute calls
Ben Pritchard will implement and execute a scrubber to fix missing TorsionDrive minimum energy references
@Trevor Gokey will discuss with @David Mobley the blocking problem for wavefunction reconstitution in QCArchive; in particular, roundtripping on wavefunction data shoved into QCSchema by psi4 should be implemented in psi4, but this expertise may be specific to Lori Burns; need a way to unblock and prioritize this work with subject-matter expert
@David Dotson will continue to debug one-shot TorsionDrive script in consultation with Trevor, Josh, Ben
