2020-10-09 QCA Submission Meeting notes

2020-10-09 QCA Submission Meeting notes


Oct 9, 2020


  • @David Dotson

  • @Pavan Behara

  • Ben Pritchard

  • @Joshua Horton

  • @Trevor Gokey


  • New advancements

  • New submissions

    • DD: Protein Fragments TorsionDrives (complete!)

    • TG: Enamine REAL subset Optimization

    • DD: Jessica Maat’s Phenyl resubmission (in preparation)

    • TG: PhAlkEthOH dataset (ready for review)

    • JH: Protein Fragments Optimizations (resubmit with version bump, constraint indices 1-based)

    • JH: XTB methods on JACS set

    • DD: MM/ML on unfragmented JACS set

  • Upcoming infrastructure improvements

    • STANDARDS-based versioning #137

    • QCSubmit advancements - performance improvements from Trevor

  • Upcoming science support

    • Selection of TorsionDrives from a dataset by SMARTS matching

    • PCM-based implicit solvent pathway

    • ESPs and wavefunction storage

    • Uploading datasets calculated on private server

  • Larger advances

    • Automated FF coverage gap identification, torsion prioritization, submission generation

    • Benchmarking (dashboard, etc.)

Discussion topics









  • Is it necessary to take any action on a TorsionDrive that had a hanging INCOMPLETE that was regenerated?

    • BP: not certain, but should be fine

      • Ben will check the code path to make certain

Protein Fragments Optimization

Josh + Trevor

  • TG: what’s the best way to review some of these?

    • DD: I tend to start with intent from the README/Jupyter Notebook, then make sure intent is encoded; not sure if that’s helpful

    • TG: Mean more what QCSubmit doesn’t do that we should be doing?

  • TG: Might be good to specify if we want a valence constraint or a non-valence constraint in the QCSubmit dataset object so validation could be done downstream.

  • TG will review and note anything DD missed

MM/ML dataset


  • TG: can we create a coverage report from QCSubmit’s coverage analysis to show which parameters are covered by a TorsionDrive submission?

    • TG: I’ll give this a play; could be an additional dropdown or separate report, or also an artifact that we commit (like the torsion PDF)



  • DD: would like to establish a target date for adoption

  • TG: Mid-November would be good to get it in before the onslought of fitting datasets

    • will ping for review once draft is up

QCSubmit advancements

Josh + Trevor

  • TG: will be able to submit much, much faster with a multithreaded approach

  • TG: every step in the workflow has parallelization over molecules with multiple processes

    • speedups make QCS usable beyond 500 molecules

INCHI keys


  • Under what conditions do INCHI keys collide?

    • Josh: doesn’t encode tautomers

    • QCS now deduplicates in a modified INCHI key, which handles tautomers

TorsionDrive selection by SMARTS


  • Preparing this for users; is there already some machinery in QCSubmit?

    • TG: coverage already there as a filter

    • JH: SMARTs filter already there

    • DD: will start with those!

PCM-based implicit solvent


  • BP: Lori’s working on if you ask for PCM, you get C1

  • JH: Going forward we can force C1, once the above we could also get the same for older submissions if desired

  • Conclusion:

    • JH: check that C1, PCM in the molecule; if not, inject it

    • TG: will include in STANDARDSv3

ESPs and wavefunction storage


  • We can store more wavefunction properties now; DGS fixed a bug in psi4 blocking this

  • TG: is there a release including these?

  • JH: will try to find which one includes this

    • will find the issue blocking wavefunctions->ESPs calculation

  • Would do wavefunctions as separate BasicDataset submissions

    • would need to get attributes on them

    • DD: would need to be a change in qcfractal; will take on

  • TG: do contributed values factor in nicely here?

    • BP: there is some interest in modifying datasets to have extra metadata

    • TG+JH: would be nice if datasets have a consistent interface with rest of datasets with entry.attributes.cmiles

Action items

Ben Pritchard will verify that no action necessary on TorsionDrives after regenerating a hanging INCOMPLETE Optimization
@Trevor Gokey will review the Protein Fragments Optimization submission
@Trevor Gokey will prototype a coverage analysis report that operates on TorsionDrive submissions
@Trevor Gokey will produce a draft of STANDARDSv3, create PR; aiming for adoption by mid-November
@David Dotson will assemble components from QCSubmit to prototype SMARTS queries on TorsionDrive datasets
@Joshua Horton will add forcing of C1 on PCM specification to QCSubmit
@Trevor Gokey will include PCM==C1 in STANDARDSv3
@David Dotson will make BasicDataset changes in QCFractal to support wavefunction submissions
