2024-08-08 Protein FF meeting note

2024-08-08 Protein FF meeting note


  • @Chapin Cavender

  • @Pavan Behara

  • @Michael Gilson

  • @Anika Friedman

  • @Alexandra McIsaac

  • @Brent Westbrook (Unlicensed)

  • @Lily Wang

  • @Michael Shirts

  • Louis Smith

  • @Jeffrey Wagner


  • Benchmarks for Specific FF with Sage priors

  • Update on umbrella sampling with fraction of native contacts

  • Benchmarks of Null-0.0.3-OPC on folded proteins

  • Generating new QM training data from PDB survey



Discussion topics







Specific-0.0.3 with Sage priors


@Chapin Cavender

Fraction of native contacts

@Chapin Cavender

  • MS: can take stable segments of a simulation, e.g. 1 us, and tweak torsions to stabilize the folded states.

    • CC: issue was we didn’t have enough folded states in the SMIRNOFF force fields. The only trajectory long enough was Null with OPC, and we had a constraint that we needed a 3-pt water model

  • MS: FYI, if you look at densities and heats of mixing, OPC performs the worst with a systematic issue and TIP3P is not too bad

    • LS: did we ever try OPC3?

    • CC: have run benchmarks with OPC3




@Anika Friedman

  • JW: for lysozyme BB, is there no data?

    • AF: we don’t have NMR data for lysozyme BB

    • CC: generally side-chain data is less accurate than BB

  • LS: did we just get unlucky picking GB3 as our target? Other targets look to perform within error

    • AF: a significant portion of GB3 is a-helix, so that has a significant contribution to error

    • LS: so is it because targets are less a-helical so less sensitive? Is it a convergence phenomenon, so if there’s more sampling BPTI would also unwind?

    • AF: BPTI is about same size as GB3

    • MG: BPTI has multiple disulfides, looks like it’s anchoring the helices

    • LS: if BPTI is more stable than GB3 in the FF, it might give deceptively good performance


New QM data from PDB survey

@Anika Friedman

  • MG: what if we reduce or downweight the sidechain data to avoid it being used for BB fitting?

    • AF: CC has tried various weighting schemes. Doesn’t sound like the SC data is skewing the BB fits.

    • MG: so the oversampling in this region currently is not a problem?

    • CC: I think so

    • AF: the problem seems to be more that we’re not characterizing between the 15 degree intervals

  • CC: we could take 4-mers and do hierarchical clustering to characterize the multiple phi/psi angles present in the peptides

    • AF: sounds like a good idea

  • AF: do we just want to focus on a-basin? There are also regions in b-basin that aren’t sampled as thoroughly.

    • MG, CC: agree.

  • PB: why do we need to sample closely-spaced points in each basin?

    • AF: we may be missing minima for certain residue configurations. Also, these are 4-mers which give us more structural information

Action items
