2024-05-02 Protein FF meeting note


  • @Chapin Cavender

  • @Anika Friedman

  • @Michael Shirts

  • @David Mobley

  • @Alexandra McIsaac

  • Louis Smith

  • @Pavan Behara

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Lily Wang

  • @Brent Westbrook (Unlicensed)



Discussion topics







Cap library charges

@Chapin Cavender

  • MS: shows slight downside of LibraryCharges in that there should be charge bleeding from caps

  • CC: AMBER RESP charges and CHARMM charges also enforce caps summing to zero – seems necessary unless caps always come in pairs

Fits with Amber charges

@Chapin Cavender

  • JW: I was under the impression that ff14sb performed best with tip3p

    • CC: ff14sb tends to be insensitive to water model for folded structures. For unfolded ones ff14sb does perform best with tip3p. This also aligns with CSimmerling’s work

  • Null 0.0.3 OPC does keep GB3 stabilized but does not fold 15-mer

  • LS: I’m excited that Null 0.0.3 + OPC passes all tests except the 15-mer

  • CC: Specific 0.0.3 folds 15-mer with all 4 water models on slide 18. But GB3 helix still destabilized

  • CC: we had wanted a force field to pass both the 15-mer and GB3 benchmarks before starting the next step. Is that still the case?

    • MS: most single helices aren’t super stable – is a single alpha helical peptide too stringent a criterion?

    • CC: I think for this temperature (274 K), it’s roughly 50% helix and comparing the chemical shift not too stringent

  • MS: previously mentioned using a different library of conformers …? (~34 min)

  • CC: should we keep probing Null 0.0.3 + OPC

  • AF: not a lot of man hours, can do a check after a couple microseconds

  • DLM: if we can get a FF that works well with a 4 point water model vs spending more years on a 3 point one, I’d choose the first. We can hedge our bets here.

  • Consensus: keep running other folded proteins while CC continues other pathways of investigation

  • JW: do you have feelings about showing an in-progress protein FF at the annual meeting? We’re doing a tech demo and could feature it with warnings

    • CC: it depends. Not enthusiastic if it causes too much excitement

    • CC: a positive outcome is that it could demonstrate that we are closer to our goal from last year

    • DLM: we should put this in the annual report

    • JW: ok, won’t present live progress on protein FF

Action items
