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Infrastructure | JW | QC* stack 0.50 rollout QCSubmit has been updated Recharge+BespokeFit+OFFTK are still in the works CC – Details about OFFTK incompatibility? JW – From_qcschema method behavior needs to be audited, likely there are behavior changes that we need to fix/document.
qca-dataset-submission is open for business again.
We’re aware of a possible issue with openff-utilities for micromamba users. We’ve observed this as BespokeFit erroring out when it’s unable to determine the ambertools version, on systems with ONLY micromamba (and not conda or mamba). We’re unsure about severity - Has anyone on this call experienced this? A fix is in the pipeline and may be released as early as tomorrow.
OpenEye asked us to include Xe vdW and LibraryCharge parameters from this paper in Sage, and we’re likely to release openff-2.0.1 and 2.1.1 with these changes shortly. PRELIMINARILY We may change how charge assignment is done using OFFTK with the ambertools+rdkit backend in order to improve consistency and quality. This would likely involve using an “ELF1” conformer and specifying additional keywords to antechamber. Background: In running replicate free energy calculations of the same protein-ligand complex multiple times on different hosts, OpenFE is finding that OFFTK’s AM1BCC partial charge assignment can produce different charges under different circumstances, leading to significant differences in predicted free energies. In their ongoing study, this appears to be due to in different circumstances, like different system loads at the time of calling these programs different system architectures different OSes/system libraries
The OpenFF lead team discussed this and we are very likely to approve+implement OpenFE’s specific recommendations once they present them to us. CC – Agree this is a good change. Path forward should be changing the SMIRNOFF spec and releasing new versions of the FFs with the new behavior specified. JW – Interesting, we hadn’t considered re-releasing FFs. DM – Since FFs were trained using OE backend, this might not necessitate re-releases of FFs. CC – Since this changes the behavior of the ToolkitAM1BCC tag, it could be argued that this isn’t just an implementation detail, and should be reflected in the spec/FF contents. DM – … CC – Would involve changing ToolkitAM1BCC version=0.3 to 0.4 and update the spec (looked at spec) DM – Agree with Chapin, we should update the SMIRNOFF spec to specify ELF conformer selection with RDKit/AT backend. DM – We should email OE, Cresset, and other people maintaining SMIRNOFF parsers and warn them that the tag change is very likely coming. JW will contact downstream parser maintainers
PRELIMINARILY Expect another series of OpenFF “follow up” workshops in Q1 of 2024. Dates+subjects TBD.
OMSF | ZB | |
| DM | They may convert XFF into our formats to allow easier testing/comparison. (XFF would still be distributed by them under another license but they can do that.) They want to contribute to improving FEP benchmarking datasets, helping to pick cases that are sensitive to force field quality rather than errors being dominated by other sources They would like to be involved more in data sharing relating to QC data, potentially contributing their data and/or participating in some kind of data sharing consortium if one arises (Their slides)
Shouts-out | DM | |
Invited speakers | TBA | |
Q&A | DM | DM – OMSF has positions open, please ask me or ZB if you have questions |