2022-01-13 Meeting notes

2022-01-13 Meeting notes


Jan 13, 2022


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Connor Davel

  • @Owen Madin



Discussion topics





General updates

  • New meeting time (1 hour earlier) as of today

  • CD – My class rescheudle rearranged, could we do the odl meeting time?

    • JW + OM – Yes, we’ve updated the calendar.

  • JW – I think CD’s previous results were compelling enough to recommend use of ELF1 in the toolkit. Opened a feature request including that here:

“Next steps” from last meeting

  • Why does the data range end at exactly -1.0? Is something getting filtered out by the workflow? Maybe try putting cyanate in (C#N-)

    • CD – I won’t follow up on this. I’ve since just started using AM1, and stopped doing BCCs, since they added some chemical perception/copmplexity

  • CD will try running just AM1 optimizations to see which deviations persist (if the parallel offset lines disappear, it’s a BCC issue)

    • CD started doing this and the paralell offset lines do indeed dissapear

  • CD will turn off symmetrization to see if the vertical lines disappear.

    • For antechamber, could be antechamber’s -pl 0 or -eq 0 cli arguments (page 301 of http://ambermd.org/doc12/Amber21.pdf)

    • CD – I concluded that OE and AM1 match perfectly if we turn off symmetrization and optimization.

  • JW will look into whether substituted indoles (indoles with extra Ns) are known cases of disagreement between aromaticity models/chemical representations.

    • JW didn’t do this.

  • (Regarding ELF1 plots): Difficult to draw conclusions yet as much fewer molecules in this graph than in above

  • CD – I made a database of ~50 conformers per molecule for X molecules. I used those 50 conformers as inputs to ELF1, using both OE and SB’s RDKit ELF1, and I looked to see whether they yielded the same charges. I looked for a correlation between conformer geometry and the partial charges it gave. I didn’t find any correlation.

  • All of minidrugbank with 200 conformers



  • Each conformer from one ensemble to the identically-indexed conformer from other ensemble


  • Arbitrarily choosing the first


  • ELF1 conformers


Do conformer RMSDs correlate with charges assigned to those conformers?




  • JW – This may help us investigate “if the two conformer generators simply create completely different ensembles, will ELF1 still provide more consistent charges than randomly selected confs?”

  • OM – ELF charges are least interacting. That should make them more likely to NOT be missed by a conformer generator.

    • JW – I might disagree with that - Conformer generation should prefer low energy confs, which would be electrotatically collapsed.

  • Blue points are random conformers from OE and RDKit compared to each other. Red is ELF conformers.

  • CD + OM – This correlation looks very weak. I don’t think that we should pursue this further.

  • JW – I’d be interested to know whether the ELF1 conformer pairs have, on average, lower charge RMSEs than the randomly selected conformer pairs.

To dos for next time

  • JW – I’d be interested to know whether the ELF1 conformer pairs have, on average, lower charge RMSEs than the randomly selected conformer pairs.

  • JW – CD, could you upload scripts for doing the connectivity checking, maxcyc=0 runs, and data gen/analysis? Even a gist would be great. And link to

  • In next meeting, we’ll agree on upload format for data and scripts for AM1 project.

  • Any way to add data/check for additional significance in comparing ELF1 to random conformer selection. For example “does the number of conformers we feed to ELF1 affect the agreement between the methods?”. This will be important to understand as we move this toward production use.

Further projects?

  • JW – After AM1 project, what should CD look at studying? Goal for paper/academic credit, or more scientific software eng?

    • CD – Looking at grad school in CS/Chem Eng. What would be the best route for that?

    • OM – Publications are probably the best way to go. Your code skills are already well above any entry requirements for phd programs.

    • JW – We have Foyer+Interchange interface close to production for mixed materials-organic sims. There’s a proof of concept coming out for a silicon nanoparticle in openff solvent.

      • OM – There isn’t anything like that happening in the Shirts lab yet, but we could loop in Shirts to ask.

    • OM – In terms of other OpenFF research projects, there are directions we could go in, but I’m concerned about compute availability. So big simulations will be hard to get in.

    • OM – Electrostatics work?

      • JW – Graph charges are on the way for OpenFF, could unlock post translational modification study - CD could be good for this, but it would require a lot of QA/debugging, and it won’t be ready for ~2-3 months.

    • JW – Maybe a simple paper on effects of an alternate-functional-form valence refit? We should ahve the compute + data available for that.

    • JW – OpenFFDock? Like, “run autodock vina, then rescore with openff?”. Could be a straightforward paper if we can identify a good test set.


Action items
