2021-06-21 Bespoke Fitting meeting notes (sci)


Jun 21, 2021


  • @Joshua Horton

  • @Daniel Cole

  • @David Mobley

  • @Trevor Gokey

  • @Simon Boothroyd

  • @Pavan Behara

  • @Simon Boothroyd

  • @Chris Ringrose

  • Venkata



Discussion topics









10 mins

Bespokefit/qcsubmit paper outline.

@Joshua Horton

  • https://docs.google.com/document/d/12Xhc6yF820Er-p_BLqlyT8mDPGvAmEJ3ni8ThHDdmHw/edit?usp=sharing

  • JH&DC: Go over the outline for the bespokefit/qcsubmit paper.

  • JH: Some outstanding questions to go over before we share the outline for feedback.

    • should we talk about the ability to do whole forcefield fits?

    • General just mention in one or two lines as other wise it will muddy the nice message behind the bespokefits.

  • Should we combine the bespokefit and QCSubmit paper?

    • If we want more papers we should split them but this takes a lot of time. General- make one application note paper that introduces both peaces of software as a reference for future work. Manly concentrating on the features of bespokefit.

  • Should we show off the ability to fit to ani scans?

    • General- this is not new but everyone wants to do it so defiantly worth mentioning and showing that we can. Due to problems with convergence try and find a molecule which works (or some settings) and show the fits and scans?

  • Should we introduce the different torsion fitting methods we used in the study (with(out) restrains, including the RMSD in the objective function). General- as there is not a big difference in performance we don’t need to go into a lot of detail but it is worth introducing maybe in the SI so we can reference it later.

  • Can someone run the FE calculations on the TYK2 system if we make the forcefield.

    • Simon will run the calculations if I make the bespoke forcefields.

  • Next steps is to share the outline for feedback.

Action items
