SB – Would be great for someone to run the final product using AT vs. OpenEye to ensure the results are the same.
AV – We don’t have an OE license, but could run the AmberTools dataset.
JW – The final validation will take some amount of interpretation. Cresset may be able to contribute there.
DM – We have access to Chris Bayly who originally made this.
SB – For fragmenter, the relative differences are important, not the absolute.
VA – I expect relative differences to be comparable.
JW – For parameterization, we need matching absolute values
SB – I don’t think we can fully match OE’s implementation without reverse engineering. I suspect most of the difference is due to different restraints during AM1 minimization between AT and OE. In some cases, AT rearranges connectivity because it doesn’t restrain with our default settings. In others, the OE minimization is prevented from going far enough toward a minimum and gives a strained bond order.
JH – If we use OE’s low-level API, we may be able to control things like the restraint strength and minimization parameters.
SB – I’m not sure we want to go that far into the weeds.
DM – CBy doesn’t have much confidence that OE is doing AM1 optimally. They could be convinced to change their defaults or expand their API.
SB – We’d need to do a study to show that OE should do it differently, and I don’t think we have the personnel to do that study.
VA – With mark, I had talked and we think that building a fragmenter should be possible. We’d be happy to share our code and have OFF run it with OE.
DM – We’d prefer to stick with out fragmenter implementation.
VA – I’ve reviewed some work in this field, particularly the pfizer fragmentation scheme.
Once we have an initial fragmenter refactor complete, we will reach out to Cresset to help us select a validation set, run the AmberTools fragmentations, and analyze the differences.