2024-10-30 Meeting notes


  • @Matt Thompson

  • @Alexandra McIsaac

  • @Brent Westbrook (Unlicensed)

  • @Lily Wang

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

Discussion topics





0.1.0beta1 scientific review


Process torsion profiles by mattwthompson · Pull Request #76 · openforcefield/yammbs

MT – Nevermind, no input needed

Feature requests

MT – Plan to include biopolymer benchmarks

MT – In-YAMMBS filtering

MT – Non-QCA datasets

BW - Parallelize data ingestion & metric computation (not minimization)

LW – (forgot the name of the actual benchmark) but the torsionnet-style torsion benchmark that compares minima matching/placement as well as energy profiles

LW – all the easy NAGL benchmarks to QM properties to ESPs, dipoles, electric fields (code for this exists as part of nagl project repo)

LW – dimer energy benchmarks – the energy part is easy but dimers might not be currently technically supported (I have code for this somewhere)

LW – (related to ICRMSDs) – being able to compare MM vs QM values per-parameter. (There’s code for this in the sage-2.2.1 repo)

BW – A once-over on performance - especially dataset loading and metric computation. The middle part (where we run minimizations) scales really well on more CPUs. But dataset loading and metric computation is bottleneck.

LM – We’ve discussed not considering DDEs of molecules that are really structurally different from each other (like, with huge RMSDs). I’d be happy to help with this.


Strategy for making YAMMBS public-facing

MT – Not advocating a big season-2-benchmarking style effort

LW – So, making YAMMBS publicly available, but not leading a big benchmarking effort

  • MT – Yes

LW – I’m in favor of this, is maintenance affordable?

JW – Will depend a lot on details

MT – Let’s leave this for another meeting



Action items
