2024-04-17 Meeting notes


Apr 16, 2024


  • @Matt Thompson

  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Lily Wang

  • @Brent Westbrook (Unlicensed)

  • @Alexandra McIsaac

 Discussion topics







Feature requests


  • MT – Both discussed in issues that LW opened:

    • Slice benchmark results by parameter

      • MT – Could be handy if you have existing code that does this/shows what you want.

      • LM – So far, I do SMIRKS search of QM dataset to build these filtered sets. BW also had something that slices by parameter.

      • BW – Yeah, I go through QCA IDs and search by SMILES. This would seem to be best as a post-processing step, since otherwise it’d just use a lot of disk space.

      • MT – We could implement tagging by parameter, or searching by SMIRKS. Wasn’t thinking of storing this in database, rather a second location.

      • LM – Yeah, agree this would be best in post processing.

      • JW – Is OFFMol I/O being slow an issue here? I’ve put very little work into optimizaing this.

      • BW – My normal thing is to … Takes 45 mins on 9800 mols.

      • LW – 45 minutes is a bit long, 5 minutes wouldn’t be bad

      • (slow part is molecule.from_smiles

      • JW – 5 min for 10k mol is quite slow for toolkits like RDKit. It might be easier to not go through OpenFF

      • BW – I’d tried using RDKit before but there was lots of back-and-forth

      • LW – slow/hard part was kekulizaton

      • BW – I use addhs, sanitize

      • LW (irrelevant side note): – ff.label_molecules(Topology.from_molecules[]) could be hacked to create a super RDKit mol that could be labelled all at once

    • Torsion-constrained data

      • It’ll be in this repo (for torsion constrained minimization):

  • Brent’s code for parameter stuff:

  • LW – I’ll link some code snippets to do this. The first item above would be really handy.


    • MT –

  • LW – Also, a related feature request would be to invoke checkmol for slicing. Checkmol is funcitonality that groups mols by functional groups.

    • LM – I haven’t used that but it sounds good.

  • https://openforcefieldgroup.slack.com/archives/C03T3LLVC1J/p1713340639866169?thread_ts=1713285654.391259&cid=C03T3LLVC1J


Trello update



Lessons learned re: 2.2 release benchmarking



  • JW - worth re-doing comparisons between versions of benchmarking code (using the same data)?

    • (This in comparison to re-running old data (like 2.0) whenever the benchmarking code changes)

      • LM - I expect re-running 2.0 data to be pretty much the same if using new code (YAMMBS 0.0.7 compared to Simon/Pavan) now that QM minima is used for DDE (this at least for the DDE numbers)

      • JW – do we have the CSV for the old benchmarking data so we can compare?

      • LW + LM – I believe the data is in the sage release notes

    • JW – And can we check for agreement on SFE benchmarks?

      • MT – 100-200 solute-solvent combos were used previously. a

        • Here’s the SFE data used in the 2.0 paper:

        • Phase 1 of validation is MO will use the new code and 10 combos as a validation set for the new code (the stuff I’m contributing to OpenFE skunkworks).

        • Phase 2 could be rerunning the SFE calcs that were done for a previous FF, and we could compare to that in the future if we wanted.

      • (General) – The convergence criteria may have always been extremely strict. Even in industry benchmarking, even in forcebalance(?)

    • LW – Most of the issues seemed to be around qcsubmit, QCA, and other tools, not much ended up being with YAMMBS.

      • LM – A big problem was with timeouts from QCA. Another big problem was with DASK doing charge checks. But I solved both of those (and can share solutions if needed!)

 Action items
