Fragmenter migration Goal: Refactor fragmenter to not be OE-dependent The shortest path to do this is to have it rely on the OFFMol class, and make the cheminformatics calls toolkit-agnostic. Some of the functionality that we need is already implemented. There are some outstanding ones that need to be implemented. We need a replacement for OE’s AtomBondSet object. It’s probably possible to do this using networkx graphs, but there’s some ambiguity about how stereochemistry will be preserved/interpreted without coordinates We’ll need an RDKit-backed atom/bond.is_in_ring , but this shouldn’t be too hard Maybe SMARTS syntax using rN can do this? Or does that only check for specific values of N? Maybe there’s also some method call involving SSSR that can do this? Maybe NetworkX can do this? find_cycles or something?
It’s possible we’ll need a way to force stereochemistry re-perception on command, but it’s unclear how exactly this will be used, since the networkx graphs won’t have coordinates.
Operational notes: Priority Other issues: