2020-08-12 BespokeFit meeting notes

2020-08-12 BespokeFit meeting notes


Aug 12, 2020


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Joshua Horton

Discussion topics



Fragmenter migration

  • Goal: Refactor fragmenter to not be OE-dependent

  • The shortest path to do this is to have it rely on the OFFMol class, and make the cheminformatics calls toolkit-agnostic.

  • Some of the functionality that we need is already implemented. There are some outstanding ones that need to be implemented.

    • We need a replacement for OE’s AtomBondSet object. It’s probably possible to do this using networkx graphs, but there’s some ambiguity about how stereochemistry will be preserved/interpreted without coordinates

    • We’ll need an RDKit-backed atom/bond.is_in_ring, but this shouldn’t be too hard

      • Maybe SMARTS syntax using rN can do this? Or does that only check for specific values of N?

      • Maybe there’s also some method call involving SSSR that can do this?

      • Maybe NetworkX can do this? find_cycles or something?

        • Are there some cycle sizes that are ignored or treated specially by OETK or fragmenter? What about 3- or 4-membered rings?

    • It’s possible we’ll need a way to force stereochemistry re-perception on command, but it’s unclear how exactly this will be used, since the networkx graphs won’t have coordinates.

  • Operational notes:

    • We’ll do this refactor in a large branch/PR of fragmenter and add new functionality in a large branch of OFFTK.

  • Priority

    • This is less important than the MVP for bespoke fitting.

  • Other issues:

Action items
