2020-06-22 Charge Provenance Meeting notes

2020-06-22 Charge Provenance Meeting notes


Jun 22, 2020


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Matt Thompson

  • @Simon Boothroyd

Discussion topics



  • What info would be useful? LibraryCharge assignments? CIMH initial charges and chargeincrements (so, more than just "final charge" values? Entire NN structure?

  • Return a modified Topology or create a new ParameterizationRecord object?

  • What to do about "duplication" of info? Molecules have charges, and also systems. Should we deduplicate? Who should keep final charges?

    • Should start by defining what it should do/API needs --

      • Matt's "row labels"

      • Matt could also use a Topology + FFcharges function

        • JW – ElectrostaticsHandler.create_force, kinda running independently?

        • SB – Method could EITHER take FF, or PH. So Molecule + PH or FFSystem (maybe partially parametrized. So, we could have an OMM system with only ES params (no bonds/angles) Method could accept ESHandler, individual handler, or whole FF.

        • MT – That sort of object should be possible.

      • Simon's needs?

        • When validating AM1-BCC impl, I wanted to put molecule through a ParameterHandler and just get the charges back. It’s a pain to back-map charges from system to original molecule. Eventually I want a mapping from system to original parameters.

    • particle index --> ParameterType? (LibraryCharges is one-to-many)

    • JW – Could define an API between charge-assigning PHs and ElectrostaticsHandler. Then, user who wants to query individual charge method could leverage the API and not need an ElectrostaticsHandler.

    • JW – Which object “owns” partial charge? Molecules? FFs? Systems? Sometimes it comes from each

      • SB – Now that FF supports librarycharges, we could have a utility function that does on-the-fly mapping of charge_from_molecules mols into LibraryCharges. Don’t have to do this using create_openmm_system kwargs, instead it could be a special parameterhandler that eats molecules and makes librarycharges.

      • JW – Could make mol.to_library_charge

      • MT – mol.to_librarychargehandler?

      • MT – Do we envision “molecule charges always win” or “ff always wins”?

      • SB – We don’t offer an automated way to take charges from molecules. Users will always have to modify their FF to contain the molecules librarycharges

      • MT – Any solution should preserve ability to load+inspect partial charges on mol

      • JW – Raises question of whether create_openmm_system should be allowed to modify input FF or Topology? Downside is that current users have been trained to not expect these to change.

      • MT – Instead of modifying FF, we could make a new thing that isn’t a FF (but has records of what happened).

      • JW – I don’t love the PArameterizationRecord object, since its scope isn’t well defined.

      • MT – I actually kinda like it, since it would keep us from having to change input Topology or FF. So it could be some mix of different data structures and a log of “what happened”.

      • MT – Its jurisdiction could be “everything that would have affected the FF or Topology”

      • JW – Concerned that the above would make it hard to understand when new features/data should be part of Record object versus Top or FF.

      • MT – No existing info would go in, just explaining how FF applied to Top.

      • SB – My thinking on this started when I had to figure out whether a molecule was assigned all-zero charges, or nothing had assigned charges. But System object may solve this, by recording provenance of handlers.

      • SB – Depending on whether System contains Topology, we could consider that contained topology to be the “final topology”. This “final topology” could contain the conformers that actually were used for charge calc (and final charges themselves(?))

      • MT – Right now, the parameters don’t know how they came into existence. I haven’t dove into difference between input and final topology.

        • JW – Could have “column labels” for parameter assignment matrix which have all the essential values for energy calcs (eg, all ElectrostaticsColumnLabel objects would have partial_charge), but each could have extensive additional metadata (like,

          • ToolkitAM1BCCElectrostaticsColumnLabel would have partial_charge, conformers, orig_handler, and maybe even orig_forcefield. conformers could be a pointer to the System’s “final topology” (the one that’s potentially modified from the input, but which has the actual confs used for charge calc.

          • ChargeIncrementElectrostaticsColumnLabel could have pointers to partial_charge handler, conformers, orig_charge, final_charge (same as partial_charge), charge_increments (list of chargeincrementhandler.chargeincrementtype objects that were applied to the particle)

  • MT – Are we in a lot of trouble if we stop using OpenMM systems, since we were using it as a “messenger” between different parameterhandlers?

    • JW – We should be able to tell the difference between 0 and unassigned now, because row labels will be whole rich objects.

  • MT – Storing partial charges in Toolkit objects is probably bad, since, if the charges need to live in one single place, they need to be in the System.

    • SB – Agree that charges shouldn’t live in Topology.

  • SB – ParameterHandlers should have input of System, and output of System

  • SB – Could consider having a Molecule SUBCLASS which is capable of taking its own charges and producing librarycharges.

  • MT – Agree with SB on molecule subclass.

  • SB – Should consider saying that “Molecule is anything that can be encoded in SMIRKS”, and there may be strictly-optional extras on top

    • Could have ChargeMol.to_librarycharge and/or librarychargehandler.add_molecule

  • Big questions – Can we change the topology during parameterization? If so, how do we allow access to it later?

    • JW – Virtualsites?

    • SB – Could force VirtualSites in like partial_charges → librarycharges. So molecule.vsite[0].to_smirnoff_virtual_site

    • JW – I like SBs idea

  • How should vsites be represented?

    • MT – Not sure how the dependent positions of vsites should be recorded in the System object. But atomic positions will be stored.

    • JW + SB – Best to NOT store vsite positions, but rather have them stored as an intermediate in energy eval.

  • SB – Vsites shouldn’t be in topology, since they’re derived information based on the interaction between the FF and atomic topology.

    • JW + MT – Agree

Later notes:

  • SDF file with charges → Molecule instance without charges + LibraryCharges instance: will this require back-mapping some really specific SMIRKS?

  • Need to update the definition of the OpenFF Molecle to be something more concrete

    • Possibly put similar pressure on more clearly defining other objects (notably Topology and ForceField) to more clearly define flow

Action items
