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JW gave go-ahead to submit mols that made it through the toolkit. Brainstormed how to handle CIF file
Brainstormed ways to bypass the toolkit and get data to QCArchive
yammbs/YDS torsions
Protein fits
check weights and resubmit if they aren’t equal
LW: to paste weights-checking script
combine opt datasets into one
basic dataset from combined dataset
same props as mlpepper
save wavefunction
Next week
More benchmarks
QCA workers
Second lipidmaps dataset
Organometallics dataset
yammbs/YDS torsions
Protein fits
LW: in – would recommend setting traj_length to 5 microseconds (in a new target) instead of 10, for purposes of speed. We should be able to extend the trajectory fairly easily later
paid GPU queue on HPC3, request a week or two
LW: to send BW a script
3 replicates to start with
Past week:
Mostly off sick
Next week:
Evaluator on Kubernetes – maybe passing off to Matt