2020-03-26 Software Scientist Onboarding notes (Thompson version)

2020-03-26 Software Scientist Onboarding notes (Thompson version)

Open Force Field onboarding day 3


Health of the infrastructure

  • QCSubmit

    • Doesn't exist yet, being built by Horton, who is very careful

  • QCPortal

    • Best corner of the infra, beautifully built by Smith @ MolSSI

  • QCFractal

    • In decent shape

    • Many issues with file systems

  • Property Estimator

  • ForceBalance

    • Frequent pain point

    • Many heterogenous interfaces, file I/O, etc.

    • Fundamental issue of representing molecules: can't have all 3

      • QM - nuclei, charges, not really much else

      • cheminformatics - "graph"-like object, atoms, elements, bonds,
        sterochemistry, aromaticity (everything needed to type using SMIRKS)

      • MM - parametrized system (i.e. including force field)


    • GitHub - openforcefield/cmiles: Generate canonical molecule identifiers for quantum chemistry database

    • Bridge between QM and cheminformatics (for the interop between QCA and the cheminformatics that ForceBalance needs)

    • informatics has "allowed" operations, i.e. SMIRKS searching, serialization

    • this bridges some operations into QM world

    • QCA has particular criteria for defining two molecules being the "same", which may differ from informatics definitions

    • Bridge breaks some small % of the time

      • i.e. proton transfer in QM optimization, resulting in a different informatics

        • would also break MM parametrization

      • stereochemistry

        • charge method in MM world can depend on sterochemical conformation

        • "stereogenic groups"

        • can be covered in SMILES, but can change during QM, breaking the bridge

          • i.e. scanning over a trivalent nitrogen, flipping its chirality though angle of planes

            • Useful barrier to study in MM world, QCA can do the torsion drive, CMILES representation is different before and after

            • Further edge case of being completely planar, i.e. between chirality

Lots of scattered glue for various conversion, some value in unifying at least conversions? I.e. any QM->MM representation is done in the same way across people, projects, labs, etc.

Dotson raised an issue on the QM->MM conversion weeks ago in which Wagner detailed the problem, had a hard time finding it

Build process

  • gh/omnia-md/omnia-recipes

  • Many deprecated recipes, not really a problem since most things don't depend on each other

  • Goal is to migrate everything to conda-forge, no small feat but Jaime is making great progress

  • Major pain point is OpenMM, legacy reasons based around OpenMM's build system conflicting with conda-forge's preference

  • Once OpenMM can migrate, the levee breaks and the rest of the stack can migrate (hopefully!)

  • openforcefield #286: Wagner wrote thorough docs on the standard release process

  • Another time: we will work on improving developer docs (perhaps on another wiki)

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