2021-04-14 Pulido/Wagner Check in

2021-04-14 Pulido/Wagner Check in


Apr 14, 2021


  • @Jeffrey Wagner

  • @Iván Pulido

Discussion topics





Contacting other developers for requirements

  • IP messaged Hannah and Dom on the OpenFF Slack, turns out Hannah isn’t on perses any more (Jeff’s mistake).

    • IP will contact Dominic and Ivy on #perses channel on chodera lab slack, include JC if possible

  • JW pinged MT on slack to ask him what would be the best way to gather requirements.

  • Should we present to MoSDeF developers tomorrow? Let’s decide based on how proposed API looks.

API mock-up

  • IP – Can we do custom errors in pydantic? Or are they all validationError? This will prevent more useful error types from propagating up through the stack.

  • How to handle atom order in cases where atoms are added or removed? How would the cheminformatics molecule match up with atom-order expectations from PDB in the first place?

  • If we mutate one residue into another, where do new coordinates come from?

    • JW – Let’s make this a plugin interface. Then we can make a really bad initial solution, and invite users to make a better one later.

  • Let’s not build an atom seleciton language initially – Just make a to_mdtraj method and let people pass queries to there


Action items

@Iván Pulido will contact Dominic and Ivy on #perses channel on chodera lab slack, include JC if possible. On Gathering requirements.
